The Bold and the Beautiful: Quinn’s Karma is Here

The Bold and the Beautiful: Quinn’s Karma is Here

The Bold and the Beautiful fans have so many questions. Remember a year or so ago when Liam was hurt in the parking lot as he and Steffy were having some romantic troubles? Quinn wanted to see Steffy with Wyatt since she wanted to see her son happy, and that meant she needed to get rid of Liam. She kidnapped him, and then she realized he had no idea who she was. When he woke up from being unconscious, he was suffering from amnesia.

Naturally, she pretended to be his wife and then actually fell in love with him. It was one of the most awkward and craziest things she’s ever done. She really did fall for him all while lying to him and using his phone to text the people he loves the most to tell them he’s done and has decided he needs a break from them so no one would suspect he was missing. That’s when Deacon showed up. He realized something was off, so Quinn did shove him off a cliff.

He survived, and now he wants her dead. He’s been arrested, but he’s made it clear he will do whatever he can to get out and get her to die. He’s mad, and he is going to be a problem. Is there a chance he might be able to either get out of jail or even reach her from within so he can get what he wants and make her life miserable? We bet he can.

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