The Bold and the Beautiful: Brooke and Taylor Fight

The Bold and the Beautiful: Brooke and Taylor Fight

The Bold and the Beautiful fans aren’t going to get a second to take a break from the Liam/Hope/Steffy drama as the time comes. They’re going to see even more of a problem in the near future as things take an even bigger turn. Right now we are seeing that Brooke has taken her own daughter’s side on this. She’s clearly happy for her daughter and has blessed this situation despite the fact it upsets everyone else. And right now it’s her against her husband, but now it’s also going to entail a problem with Steffy’s mother. We all know she’s protective and will do anything it takes to get her daughter to be happy.

And when Taylor finds out what is going on and how this is all playing out, she’s not going to be anything short of angry. In fact, she’s going to make it her goal to tell this woman that she feels she’s in the wrong. And we don’t disagree with her. On one hand, we do feel that since Hope is Brooke’s daughter, she will support her and isn’t wrong to. On the other hand, she should know better than support-support her for what she did. She should tell her she supports her daughter, but not this decision.

Hope needs a reality check, and so does Brooke. And we can see that Taylor might be there to make Brooke see the error in her own ways with her daughter. But this also begs the question who’s side Ridge will take? Will he take his wife’s side when she comes to him upset that there is a problem? Or will he take Taylor’s side? He believes Taylor is right, and he doesn’t believe his wife is right, but will he make that obvious?

The best decision is to tell Taylor to stay out of his marriage and his wife’s life, and then go home and tell Brooke that while he has no feelings for Taylor and will never support her to her face, he doesn’t support Brooke either. But he won’t. He will take his ex’s side all the way.

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