Best Uses of Songs in Movies: “Burn” by The Cure in the Movie “The Crow”

Best Uses of Songs in Movies: “Burn” by The Cure in the Movie “The Crow”

Best Uses of Songs in Movies: “Burn” by The Cure in the Movie “The Crow”

If I’m being honest with myself The Crow is a movie that’s 100% ripe for a remake.  On a personal level I’d like to leave it as is and have it forever be an untouchable part of Brandon Lee’s legacy.  But from a business standpoint I think it’s the kind of movie that could do extremely well today.   Speaking of The Crow, I was at the gym the other day when the song “Burn” by The Cure came on.  It’s one of my favorite songs of all-time and I couldn’t be happier that it found its way into the soundtrack for a film.

Used at such a great time, the song “Burn” plays when you first see Brandon Lee making his transformation into his Crow character.   Some people actually think the song is called “Paint my Face” but it’s not, it’s called “Burn.”  The Cure is an excellent band by anyone’s standards and I think their music could be used in a ton more soundtracks, but sadly it’s not. But I will say this.  Despite The Cure not being used as often as I’d like, the appearance of “Burn” in The Crow is one of the best uses of music in a movie I’ve ever seen.

Check it out below:


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