The Best TV Feuds of the Past 25 Years

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Although we’re 28-years-old, we just can’t seem to let go of some of the MTV shows that we grew up watching–OK, and secretly hoping that we could be on. While really bored the other day after a hard day of work, we found ourselves flipping through the channels and landing on the most recent season of MTV’s The Challenge: Rivals II, which pins a group of so-called rivals with each other for a chance to win some serious cash. Naturally, there are a ton of fights, backstabbing and drama that most of those shows have, which got us thinking about which TV feuds are actually the best? That’s what we’re giving you here today–real and fake–so grab your scorecards and determine who won these things.

5. Seinfeld and Newman – Seinfeld

Classic case of hate between building neighbors who still make us laugh today thanks to the syndicated episodes we always seem to catch each day, these two guys couldn’t stand each other anytime they came close to interacting. Our favorite episode might be the one where the two have to switch spots in hopes that Newman gets transferred to Hawai’i, so Jerry takes over his route. He botches it big-time though–because the mail actually got delivered correctly. They’re always good for a laugh, and a reminder why you hate your own neighbors.

4. Nicki Minaj vs. Mariah Carey – American Idol

We’re kind of embarrassed to know that these two divas didn’t exactly get along on the American Idol set last year, but at least it was entertaining to watch! Though she isn’t exactly knocking down the door on the charts these days, Carey does happen to be a damn legend in the music industry, highly regarded as one of the best ever. But when she took a shot at Minaj by tweeting that she never had a No. 1 hit, Nicki tweeted that Mariah was “insecure” and “bitter.” How’d this end? With both of them refusing to return next year.

3. Lauren Conrad and Heidi Montag – The Hills

Oh man, remember The Hills? It was a bunch of hot chicks, rolling around with douchebags and, in the end, it turned out that all of it was scripted for television anyway. Well, maybe not everything. The sexy Lauren Conrad and Heidi Montag had a permanent break-up from their long-time friendship because there was a rumor flying around about a sex tape of Conrad’s. Though we really wish that would have been true, it never did surface, and the two friends have still never made up.

2. Will Smith and Janet Hubert-Whitten – Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

With over 20 years of comedic and action adventures, you probably wouldn’t know how anyone could ever fail to get along with Will Smith. But that’s what happened on his hit show, Fresh Prince of Bel-Air between seasons three and four thanks to Janet Hubert-Whitten getting canned. There can be different reasons–like the contract dispute that’s used–but her calling Smith an A-hole doesn’t bury rumors that the two just really didn’t like each other.

1. Stewie and Brian – Family Guy

What made the rivalry between these two characters was that it was so dynamically funny and had evolved in different ways over the years. From the earlier seasons when the two just couldn’t stand each other, to the hilarious adventures they went on before Brian’s death, they were never short on taking jabs at one another. They may have just be a cartoon dog and football-shaped head baby, but they were pretty damn hilarious when paired together.

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