Basketball Wives Season 4: You Can Call Me Al

basketball wivesOkay, real talk: I’m not here for Nia and her $1.50 wig.

I mean, I get being sad/hurt that somebody that you used to know and be friends with has kind of abandoned you, but really? Is having a temper tantrum and slapping somebody what’s hot in the streets these days? Somebody get this raggedy child a therapist, behavior specialist, obstetrician, something to help her process her feelings and emotions because she needs to learn how to let. it. the. hell. go. And who are you anyway, to begin with? All season there’s been a parade of random chicks coming through the Basketball Wives scene to stir up trouble, from Kesha’s friend that confirmed Kenya’s shade at Evelyn to Tami’s employee that came gunning for Kenya at the video screening. Camera time is a precious commodity to the aspiring reality TV lunatic and Nia’s little psychotic break took the cake, the ice cream, the chips, and all the rest of the menu at the birthday party. I don’t have a problem with a fight breaking out, per se, but it was obvious to anyone with half a brain that Nia came to the track to fight. Her attitude, tone of voice, and slightly askew wig suggested that she was there to bet on horses and show her ass and she was all out of coin to put up.

To me, Nia may have been the problem, but the other girls let it happen. Shaunie, of course, has awful reaction time, spending the duration of the fight “shell-shocked” as opposed to, like, breaking it up or stopping Nia from getting to Jennifer to hit her. But I lay a lot of the blame here at the hobbit feet of Drunk Ass Suzie. Not everybody has to be friends and I’m sorry, if two people can’t be in the same room as one another, everybody else in that clique has to adjust themselves accordingly. You may have turned out one reunion last week, but Evelyn is a whole different animal than Royce, as exhibited by her behavior tonight. Per usual, Evelyn gets buck when multiple security people are in the room with her, her Hellmouth of a voice box expounding all types of empty threats and false bravado to keep her image as the “bad girl” of Basketball Wives. But riddle me this, TVOvermind – which of these chicks is first to make fun of somebody’s appearance, career, body, or personal life? Exactly. Evelyn comes with the shade for everybody else, but when Jennifer defends herself, it’s all of a sudden time to become a Ninja Turtle and, later, cry.

But the thing that got me about this episode was the filler. Was it me or did this episode of Basketball Wives feel like a commercial for Think Like a Man with random drama sprinkled in? I know that TV shows have to make that money any way they can, but that crossed the line from product placement to obnoxious time waster pretty quickly. Was there really nothing else more important that they could have showed? VH1 had been playing the heck out of a commercial built around the screening the ladies did for the movie, so putting that into an episode felt especially lazy. I could handle it for the brief glimpse we got of Michael Ealy, but if you’re resorting to putting in lengthy movie plugs and “discussion” between the ladies, it’s not the greatest sign going forward for the show. Everything else during the hour wasn’t that great, either, but I’d rather watch Royce ho it up for her man or Evelyn cry about closing her busted shoe shop than another commercial for something I have next to no interest in. There may be a certain amount of manipulation in reality TV, but at least in those cases, there’s some sort of reality there. Here, it was just midseason wheel spinning and coin collecting.

Nia needs to get around somewhere. We have enough mentally unstable hotheads in this cast as is, so we don’t need another one to come along and amp up the insanity that much more. Somebody needs to check her for acting like a fool and Evelyn for acting like a bigger fool, but in the Basketball Wives food chain, Evelyn’s at the top and nobody’s around to really challenge her position. I’m not a violent person in my life, but I wish somebody would clean that chick’s clock one good time, just to take her down a peg. It’s more than a little boring to watch these ladies continue to kowtow to Evelyn, but if it’s a choice between that and more product placement, bring on the butt kissing.

Thoughts, Quotes, & Observations:
-“I think she wanted to slit my throat to keep me from talking.”
-Reason why I hate Evelyn #307098: Joking about prostituting yourself after having annihilated Kenya for insinuating you were loose. Girl…
-Can Al Reynolds please join the Basketball Wives cast already? The shade he would bring is unparalleled.
-Check out recent interviews with Tami and Kenya, if you can handle all the drama.
Royce, Evelyn, Jennifer, and yours truly wrote about last week’s episode. Read who you love and love who you read.
-Royce is having baby daddy problems.
Evelyn in a strip club.
-Next week on Basketball Wives: We get to see the aftermath of the fight and Evelyn acts ridiculous.

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