The Top Five Uses of “Come Sail Away” in TV and Movies
Styx can be found in a lot of films for its various tracks. Renegade is definitely one of the favorites, but Come Sail Away has a special place in a lot of pe
Styx can be found in a lot of films for its various tracks. Renegade is definitely one of the favorites, but Come Sail Away has a special place in a lot of pe
This is a song a lot of us grew up with and will listen to just when we want something simple and to the point. Today’s music isn’t bad or anythin
As kids we all likely put some fairly gross stuff in our mouths. We tried foods that didn’t go with each other, we might have even dipped a vegetable or
When you think about hard knocks the old idiom the school of hard knocks comes racing to mind doesn’t it? You think of a tough upbringing, of a hard and
So time to confess. How many of you rolled your eyes when thinking of a clunky old typewriter? Chances are if you were born in the 1980’s or 90’s
Any person of faith is going to be tested in life, a LOT. This world doesn’t always treat those with such strong convictions with kid gloves, and ther
It seems like for a while Aziz Ansari was on fire, and then he struggled to find his niche in Hollywood. Now it seems like he’s finally found his place
Kids’ songs, especially in movies, can get a little sappy at times but overall are cute and snappy. They can work their way into your memory and your he
So Gambit has already found it’s star, right? Channing Tatum has been on everyone’s mind since the fast-talking Cajun has been announced to be c
If you’re excited as I am about the prospect of what’s going to happen in GoT this coming season then it stands to reason that you’re starti