Our Favorite Housewives in 80s Movies
Housewife isn’t a term you hear all that often anymore, but it’s still a very widely known way of life. Housewives in the 1980’s were beginn
Housewife isn’t a term you hear all that often anymore, but it’s still a very widely known way of life. Housewives in the 1980’s were beginn
Every single actor on this list is Australian. It’s amazing really how an accent can become so well hidden that you truly don’t know where someone
Impressive cars always brighten up the scene they’re in no matter the movie. A film can be a stinker from start to finish, but if there’s an impre
On screen it’s usually imporant to look good. The characters pop a lot more if they look stylish and can get the attention of the audience, so at times
So we’ve seen now the favorite scenes of Frank Costanza and you have to wonder just what kind of woman would ever put up with some cantankerous old man
They can be the guys you love to listen to or the guys you wish would just shut up, but fictional sports announcers are never boring. Their entire job involve
The character of Sheldon is easily strong enough to make you forget that Jim Parsons has done anything else in his career, but he’s been quite active si
The male chauvinist is a role that is amazingly still popular in Hollywood. It’s been one of the most dominant roles in show business for so long it mig
A super weird hobby might seem perfectly normal to someone else. Despite what you see of them on screen celebrities do have private lives in which they get to
So let’s get one thing straight. Funerals are generally sad occasions. You’ve lost someone you love and/or care about, and your life is a little d