Robert Englund Auditioned For Han Solo but Pushed His Roommate Mark Hamill to Audition Too
You might not have known this, I know I didn’t, but Robert Englund, the guy that essentially made Freddy Krueger who he is, once auditioned for the part
You might not have known this, I know I didn’t, but Robert Englund, the guy that essentially made Freddy Krueger who he is, once auditioned for the part
Say what you want about Mel Gibson but when it comes to the Yelling Game he is one of the absolute masters. The guy can scream, yell, roar, and just flat out
Anyone that says fans can’t come up with their own homemade trailer and make look awfully good needs to check this clip out. You’ve heard of low b
Big Daddy was where Adam Sandler’s comedy finally started coming out of the man-child phase it seemed. He’d already been doing a little more serio
Street performers are often incredible to watch since before they ever take their act to the street they’ve practiced an insane amount of time to make s
Some TV shows last way too long and begin to lose their veracity and the reason why they were great in the first place, while others thankfully take that fina
This timelapse video of a man creating a life-like Chewbacca bust is amazing. From start to finish it looks like it must take days if not longer to get this t
Putting Freddy, Mike Meyers, and Chucky in a show called Two and a half Slashers seems like something right out of a comical nightmare that surely comes from
Jesse Ventura might have had a future as a film star if he’d kept going along the lines of Predator and other popular films. But his path took him in a
Getting a chance to see the rare, behind the scenes glimpses of Mulholland Drive is something that you might be interested in if you ever watched the movie. S