A Collection of the Best News Bloopers of 2017
If you think that newscasters never screw up it’s because you don’t watch the blooper that they produce. In the clip below are some of the best ne
If you think that newscasters never screw up it’s because you don’t watch the blooper that they produce. In the clip below are some of the best ne
Every year at Rockefeller Center New Yorkers gather around to watch the annual tree lighting that goes on. It’s become a yearly tradition that a lot of
Given that it’s the season for it I’ve heard Carol of the Bells a lot, but never on an ugly sweater like this woman showcases. It’s somethin
Ebon Moss-Bachrach is an American actor that has put together quite a career at this point and yet isn’t known for more than a few roles. At this point
Wow, when you play Jingle Bells in a minor key it becomes something right out of a campy horror story. It’s downright sad when you really listen in, whi
Swimming with Sharks is a cold, calculating movie that makes you a little more appreciative if you happen to have a boss that you like and respect. In some in
Carol of the Bells is an incredible song that is soothing no matter where you hear it, but played on a harp is something unique and special that actually make
Ving Rhames has the meats! Sorry, I saw that somewhere and I had to get it out. Ving Rhames has that deep, bass voice that is hard to mistake for anyone else
It would have to be kind of annoying to think that song that was yours and was something great was in fact a song that you’d heard somewhere else and th
The Moody Blues started out in Birmingham, England in the early to mid-1960’s playing rhythm and blues, but swiftly changed to a fusion of rock and clas