10 Interesting Facts About the Movie “Crimson Peak”
Crimson Peak is the kind of ghost story that is designed to freak the audience out but is so drawn out there are some that have deemed it as less than enterta
Crimson Peak is the kind of ghost story that is designed to freak the audience out but is so drawn out there are some that have deemed it as less than enterta
A Glimpse into the Talented Ensemble of Band of Brothers Band of Brothers is a gripping miniseries that follows the journey of Easy Company, from their basic
Kristin Stewart isn’t much of a tattoo buff but she is sporting her own ink that has its own meanings. Like so many others that have come to decorate th
Given that she’s appeared in other shows as a rather nice person it’s hard to equate Rashida Jones with the image of Karen Scarfoli in the show Fr
Bill Burr was one of the henchmen in Breaking Bad, the guys that were sent out to do a job on occasion. As one of Saul’s guys he was tasked with doing w
It takes a lot of guts to keep competing when no one wants you there, but Eddie the Eagle is the kind of individual that has managed to show people that love
There are likely still people who want to reopen the Benghazi case and find out just what happened, but 13 Hours at least does a credible job of retelling the
The time that Amy Adams was on Smallville was kind of an odd episode in the making. She played the character of Jodi, a young woman obsessed with losing weigh
The Wire was considered to be one of the best shows ever created for TV despite not winning any big awards or garnering enough serious acclaim to keep going.
Apocalypse Now has to be one of the grittiest, sometimes hard to watch war movies of all time, but it’s also one of the best ever made. Of course that