20 Things You Didn’t Know about Sofia Boutella
Some actors are around longer than people think before they really get their big break. For some people Sofia Boutella might not have been seen as someone rea
Some actors are around longer than people think before they really get their big break. For some people Sofia Boutella might not have been seen as someone rea
One thing you can’t say about DMX, aka Earl Simmons, is that he had an easy life growing up. If rap music is an extension of one’s personality the
Having had a chance earlier this year to watch Paul Simon live in concert it’s now possible for me to say that even in his older years he knows how to p
Kendrick Lamar is just one more bit of proof that a person isn’t bound to become a product of the place they come from or repeat the mistakes of the pas
Want to hear a theory on why Jason Bateman is so effective as a drama and comedy actor? The guy can deadpan like few others can and still come off as hilariou
At one point and time music was a very serious thing that could get a person in a lot of trouble if they listened to the wrong thing according to someone else
This is one of those cases that if you don’t know anything about the actor who is the main focus of the article you might have been sleeping under a roc
Whether you want to believe it or not Jerry Lewis kind of bombed out when he first tried to go into comedy. He also dropped out of school when he was a kid an
Alanis Morissette hasn’t been a stranger to fame for a long time since she was in several episodes of You Can’t Do That On Television when she was
Tomi Lahren is someone that, depending on your political views, you either love or hate. She’s not really shy about what she says on TV and will let loo