30 Rock 5.01 “The Fabian Strategy” recap
Liz Lemon’s phone is blowing up. She wakes up, looking a kind of disheveled that only Liz can accomplish, and answers phone calls from Jack and her new
Liz Lemon’s phone is blowing up. She wakes up, looking a kind of disheveled that only Liz can accomplish, and answers phone calls from Jack and her new
11 am. On a Thursday. Philadelphia, PA. We open on Mac trying to sneak his way into Dennis’ gym with Dennis’ membership card. While arguing with t
Earlier in the season, I compared Louie to Curb Your Enthusiasm because each shows center around a lovable misanthrope. Now that the season is over, I take th
It’s happened to all of us. Well, maybe not all of us but a lot of us. We sometimes over exert ourselves, push ourselves beyond our physical limits and
Religion is a very touchy subject. Many people think many different things about religion. It’s good for some, bad for others and other others can take
Here’s something you don’t see every day on television: Stephen Root as a dentist who, well, takes certain liberties with an unconscious Louis C.K
You know, it’s really nice to see the titular character on Louie not mess up a date. Er, wait a second. All is going great until he convinces his date t
As someone who has never had a sip of alcohol, puff of a cigarette or even a hit off of a joint, I appreciate drug humor. It’s not always laugh-out-loud
A lot of stand-up comics have material about their mothers. Frankly, a lot of it isn’t funny. It is, but it’s the kind of funny where you keep a s
I feel like comedians have the only job where they can stand up for themselves at work. For instance, if someone was giving me crap where I work, I’d ge