credit: AHS: NYC
Some folks happen to think that there’s a Scream connection thanks to a phone call made in this episode, but if it’s there, it’s thin enough that only those who are really looking can see it or obvious to the point of being easy to pass by since fans might think there’s something else to be revealed. But the idea that both screenwriters that made each moment happen are openly gay men in Hollywood is kind of a stretch since it might imply that there’s a connection where one really doesn’t exist.
In any case, the second episode of NYC continues the idea that there’s a killer at large in New York that’s killing without any fear that the cops are going to be set on their trail at any moment. This is easy to believe since the cops are, more or less, not really giving the case that much attention until the last part of the episode, which features a rather grisly image that might give some folks Dexter flashbacks…or not.

credit: AHS: NYC
In an attempt to showcase gay culture in the 80s, it does feel as though the show is getting a bit preachy and then decadent at different points.
One could say that it’s somewhat balanced, but it does feel as though the show is making it clear that while gay men are quite different from person to person, they’re all essentially capable of the worst possible behavior. It feels easy to argue that there is a diverse cast that shows themselves to be very different people from different walks of life, but the general knowledge that many of the men in this show appear to share when it comes to finding special hangout spots and what certain fashion accessories mean when worn a certain way kind of suggests that they’re not quite as diverse beneath the surface as all of them have had their moments when being naughty was the order of the day.
It’s a point of view, at least, but so far, it’s tough to root for many of the characters in the show since, to be fair, the overlying bitterness that’s felt doesn’t really amplify anything other than the pervasive anger and uncertainty that’s so prevalent. If that’s the aim, then it’s working.
The killer almost has a supernatural feel since it appears that he can be anywhere he needs to be at any given time.
It wouldn’t be the first time that a supernatural killer was introduced as the big bad, but it depends on who we’re talking about since the big guy in all the leather appears ominous and might be the killer, but another killer has already presented himself. The second killer is the kind of guy that a lot of people might liken to the type of individual that would be the stereotypical killer that’s quiet, keeps to himself, and strikes in ways that are less ominous and a little more cowardly since striking directly isn’t that possible.
Of course, the death in the bar is up close and personal, and it’s amazing that such a thing could be pulled off despite the fact that it’s dark, men are picking up other random men, and, well, a lot of people are simply more into each other than they are their surroundings.

credit: AHS: NYC
Amazingly, the one person who’s spared is a former Marine.
It would appear that the killer doesn’t like killing those who served their country, which is strangely patriotic in a way but also indicates that the killer has an affinity for those who served, maybe, and therefore narrows down the victim pool just a little.
That’s kind of an odd thing to throw in when one really thinks about it, but it might stand a chance of confusing people and making them think about the wrench this could throw into the gears of the overall story. It could happen that this might be a one-time thing, but it could also be something that the killer might continue to practice as the season moves forward. In any case, it’s also easy to think that it won’t be picked up on that early in the show.
So far, it’s kind of hard to get into this season.
Maybe it’s the content, maybe it’s the story itself, but so far, it’s kind of tough to really get into this season as it appears to be on the verge of revealing something interesting, but then it slows down and stalls for a few minutes before moving on.
The overall theme of this season is bound to be tough for some people to get into, but at the same time, it’s enough to push an idea that could develop into something that will become more and more intriguing as each episode is revealed.
supernatural killera killer
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