Credit: Twister
The sequel craze strikes again. In the current landscape of superheroes, animated features, Christmas movies, or lame streaming content, all get hit with the sequel bug, so of course, a natural disaster flick is going to get in on this cash cow trend. That lucky victim this time around is Twister, a 1996 film with Helen Hunt, Bill Paxton, and Cary Elwes. The synopsis of the original film is as follows:
During the approach of the most powerful storm in decades, university professor Dr. Jo Harding (Helen Hunt) and an underfunded team of students prepare the prototype for Dorothy, a ground-breaking tornado data-gathering device conceived by her estranged husband, Bill. When Harding tells Bill that Dorothy is ready for testing — and that their privately funded rival, Dr. Jonas Miller, has stolen the idea and built his own — Bill rejoins the team for one last mission.

Credit: Twister

Credit: Twister
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