Community 3.02 “Geography of Global Conflict” Recap

Community 3.02 “Geography of Global Conflict” Recap

Before you dive into this week’s zany episode of Community, be sure to read last week’s recap. Now that storylines have been set in motion, new characters have been introduced and plotlines from last season have been cleaned up, we can move forward and start having some real fun. And if this episode was any indication, we’re on just the tip of the iceberg where the word ‘fun’is concerned.

‘Geography of Global Conflict’opens with Annie’s Poli Sci class, and new teacher Professor Cligoris (Party Down’s Martin Starr.) Professor Cligoris starts a class debate, in which Annie is quickly outwitted by Annie Kim — a competitive Asian perfectionist who clearly is out to give Annie a run for her money.

As Britta decides to show Shirley she’s getting serious about the new school year, she finds out via a flyer that a girl she used to know in high school has been taken hostage in Syria. Britta decides that this ‘imprisonment in an oppressive regime’needs to be fought for, while in another sense of fighting for rights, Chang goes overboard in his security position. ‘The badge says serve and protect!’Chang protests, as much to his chagrin he’s told that he’s not in charge of putting people in place — but rather, making sure people don’t knock over the school’s trash can.

Annie brings Annie Kim to the study group, proudly introducing her to her ‘ragtag group of cut-ups,’and what follows is a hilarious back-and-forth of competitive dialogue about founding Greendale’s Model UN Club that very much rivals an episode of Gilmore Girls. If one Annie wasn’t enough, two seems to be almost too much for the study group, prompting lots of amusing facial expressions and leading Pierce to declare ‘an Asian Annie. Obama’s America.’I have to admit, I’ve missed the antics of racist Pierce, as horrible as they sometimes are. Annie defends herself, saying she’s not competing with Asian Annie and that she’s just a friend. When the group doesn’t believe her, Jeff comes to her rescue, telling them ‘this is our Annie’and convincing them that they should trust her words.

Becoming increasingly riled up about her friend’s situation, Britta explodes with rage about her privileged lifestyle. As she storms out of the group, she runs into Chang and the two end up in a hilarious slo-mo fight set to the tune of Lionel Ritche’s ‘Hello.’Britta chews up Chang’s warning note, defiantly kicking the trash can for good measure, declaring ‘and that’s how we do that!’

Meanwhile, Annie Kim decides to go ahead and start the Model UN Club that Annie had originally thought of. Jeff busts into Professor Cligoris’class with Annie in tow, defending the fact that the club was originally her idea. ‘My Annie gave this other Annie the idea,’Jeff protests, as Annie gets increasingly more upset. Professor Cligoris says there can only be one Model UN that officially represents this school. To settle this, the group takes part in a head-to-head Model UN Battle Royale to decide once and for all who gets to be the founder.

Community 3.02 “Geography of Global Conflict” Recap

Over in Britta World, our favorite blonde has locked herself in a cage to protest in demonstration for her friend. Chang comes by to reprimand her, resulting in another ‘Hello’montage, and tells Britta he has no choice but to give her an arrest report. Britta freaks out, tearfully telling Chang that she’s finally getting a life here and that getting an arrest report will ruin her. Determined to fight for her cause, Britta attempts a distraction at the Model UN competition where Chang tasers her to take her down. ‘I knew you’d come,’Britta says, slightly woozy while Chang carries her out, reminding her ‘you’re still busted.’

At the Model UN Battle Royale, an unknown stench causes the group to fall apart despite their initial winning lead. Aware that they’re losing, Annie freaks out and throws a tantrum, screaming ‘I want to win!’Jeff calls her out for her actions, then later apologizes, admitting he pushed her into competing. He proceeds to give her a sweet speech about how great she is, how much she’s growing up, and how the world needs more women like her. And just like that, I’m sold on Jeff and Annie. Well done, Community.

Annie goes back to tell her friends she’s sorry, and the group decides they can still best Annie Kim by taking on Abed’s Earth Two idea. They put together a presentation from ‘Earth One’saying that they have achieved world peace, and offer an ultimatum — Annie Kim’s group wins a simple game, but the larger symbolic win will be theirs. Annie Kim rejects this, but Professor Cligoris sees that Annie has the right idea about how to truly solve a world problem, and the study group is declared the winner. Our second episode tag is Troy and Abed attempting to play Operation on Pierce as he sleeps.

In addition to setting up some fun relationships and giving us great chemistry (I may be lobbying for a Jacobs/Jeong side show), the episode served to remind us how brilliant Community can be when mixing humor with more emotional moments. And while I never would have imagined myself a full blown Jeff and Annie supporter, I have to admit their relationship is really growing on me – in a completely non-creepy way.

What did you think of tonight’s episode? What were your favorite moments?

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