Final Space is an animated TV show that follows the intergalactic adventures of Gary Goodspeed as he traverses the galaxy with his team of immensely talented and powered people all working together to save all life from the wrath of a truly evil force. The show has a great serving of humour and action both of which contribute to creating an impressive storyline. Another thing that makes Final Space as great as it is, is its characters. All the characters have a certain depth and are immensely layered in that they each accurately represent the many manifestations of the human condition.
The women of Final Space, Quinn and her future version Nightfall, Ash, and Sheryl – Gary’s mother, were very pivotal to the progression of the plot, influencing key decisions and in some cases making the decisions themselves which end up either saving everybody or bringing them to their doom. Each of them displays a range of strengths and vulnerabilities that make them relatable and compelling characters in their own right, while still kicking ass and bringing laughs.
Quinn/Nightfall Guided Gary Godspeed Through All His Major Decisions
When Gary Goodspeed goes on his first mission to defeat the Lord Commander, a strange figure gets into his ship and inserts a chip in KVN who then uses it to save them from the Infinity Guards. This singular act saves them from having to return to Earth which would have made it difficult to save the planet from getting sucked into Final Space. The strange figure turns out to be Quinn from the future, who goes by Nightfall. This guidance by Nightfall is also what helps them find Bolo who becomes instrumental in their battle against Invictus.
While Quinn and Nightfall are the same person, they both served different purposes. Nightfall was a more seasoned warrior and scientist who had lived long enough to know what mistakes Gary could avoid and how he could make better choices. On the other hand, Quinn was able to propel Gary towards introspection, causing him to think of his actions could affect other people and ultimately led to him becoming a better person.
Ash’s Powers Came through for the team on numerous occasions
Ash only joined the show in its second season but she quickly became one of the more important characters. This is largely due to the fact that she has powers. The timeline of Final Space features very impressive tech but very few of the characters have mystical powers while possessing the ability to fight. Ash is one of those few. On many occasions, she was key to the victory of the team. Particularly at the end of season 2 when she was able to drive out the extension of Invictus that had possessed Avocato. No other character would have been able to do it.
More impressive was her ability to help the team get out of Invictus orbit when they got near to the black hole where he was held. However, this was the catalyst for her turning over to Invictus who she was finally able to release, thanks to her powers. Ash is arguably the second strongest character in the entire show and while she was on Team Goodspeed, she used her powers for good.
More than half of the Dimension Keys were Gotten by Sheryl Goodspeed
Just like Ash, Sheryl Goodspeed joined the women of Final Space in the 2nd season but in spite of this, she was a key addition to the show. Her confrontation with Gary and Nightfall on Rugaro features some of the most impressive fighting in the show. But her time on Todd’s ship and in the Virtualazium reveals that Sheryl is not just a spy who became a thief. She is also a woman who has had love, lost it, and is now leading a misguided life. Her decision to become better and reconcile with Gary is not only better for the team, as they get a highly skilled team member, plus it helps Gary get some closure for the kind of childhood he had.
The women of Final Space were written with attention and care, this extends to their character design where they look like they could be real people. But the accuracy of their human representation does not end with how they look, but with who they are. They are people who can be good or bad, make mistakes that endanger lives and still find ways to forgive themselves for their errors, all while still being able to kick ass.
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