The person that does this has a lot of time on their hands but they make it look interesting all the same since all the parts that need to go together and everything that has to function in just the proper way does so and in reality, it’s kind of cathartic to watch. As chaotic and jumbled as the internet can be, there are quite a few things out there, if people are willing to look, that can be rather impressive and deliver a few minute’s worth of a good time or just silent contemplation that is worth it. A lot of people might not really know what goes into building a bridge, other than to build a structure that connects one piece of land to another over a body of water, but this process, while a little simplified, is still impressive since it definitely shows that there is a lot of work and engineering that goes into building even a simple bridge. Some of us have likely done this in our youth, created what we felt was a mighty bridge across a small body of water, like a puddle or a miniature pond, but the thought there is that a bridge does more than allow safe passage over an otherwise untenable surface.
Bridges bring the possibility of finding out what’s on the other side for those that might have been wondering what all the fuss about if there is any. The big picture way of looking at bridges is that they bring people together, allowing them to share their culture with others, which is an ideal way of looking at things. But of course, bridges can be seen as a way toward exploitation as well if one is inclined to be negative about it. But the literal building of a bridge is something that still stands as an impressive feat taken on by any human being, since even if the steps become easy and commonplace to some, it’s still amazing to many others since even watching this miniature version come together in this automated fashion is a lot of fun and makes a person wonder what’s going on when we see bridges being maintained, built, repaired, renovated, and what it was like to watch the structure go up so many years ago. Those states within the US and provinces and countries throughout the world that exist near large bodies of water know this feeling quite well, and realizing how bridges must have been built so long ago is simply amazing.
Trying to think of how those that lived in ancient times came upon the ideas for this is humbling since the engineering and skill that went into making bridges at one point were simply phenomenal. Some of the more obvious methods and techniques are pretty basic when one thinks about them. Supports have to be set in the right places, various parts of the bridge need to be strengthened in order to support any and all weight that is placed upon them, and the overall integrity of every piece has to be tested in order to make certain that the bridge is capable of fulfilling its purpose. But trying to think about the process that gave birth to modern-day bridge-building is a humbling experience since someone had to think this up for the first time ever, and then pass that knowledge on through trial and error.
That part would have been tough no doubt, the trial and error portion, since finding out what worked, what didn’t, which materials were best, and which wouldn’t work, had to be a trying ordeal that had the first bridge-builders screaming in frustration. But obviously they pushed through and made it work, since the number of bridges in this country alone is insane, not to mention that some bridges throughout the world have been standing for centuries and, with a little maintenance now and then, are bound to stand for even longer. Humans aren’t the first bridge-builders obviously, but it’s thankful that our ancestors looked around and figured out how to make this work since without bridges life would be quite a bit different.
Bridges are an ancient and natural marvel as much as they’re a modern necessity that requires a great deal of skill and imagination to build, which makes this video take on a very potent meaning as a person watches it and realizes that this knowledge came from a long, LONG line of failures and successes that resulted in the skill set that made such a thing possible. It’s necessary sometimes to sit back and realize that what we often take for granted is in fact a modern marvel that is worthy of a great deal of respect. Bridges are by far and large an important part of our lives that we don’t tend to think about much.
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