If you were a bit creeped out by the start of this trailer don’t worry, you weren’t the only one. It is kind of confusing to think that Peter Rabbit did well enough to come back for a sequel since there were quite a few people that were stating that the first movie wasn’t all that great and could have benefited from a lot of editing and work. But oh well, the rascally rabbit is back for more and it would appear that he’s visiting family this time around as well. Something about this movie just doesn’t feel as though it should be nearly as popular as it’s been and will continue to be, but hey, if people enjoy it then so be it. There’s no point in ruining anyone else’s joy when it comes to various movies, and to be fair, it doesn’t look like the worst thing that’s ever been concocted from the mind of a screenwriter, so there’s not a lot of reason to say anything too negative about it. There’s bound to be plenty of humor in the movie that will make some people wonder just what they’re watching and why, but then again there has been plenty of that kind of material in movies over the years that a lot of us tell others is simply fiction and shouldn’t be taken too seriously. Of course, there are certain lines that a lot of people feel shouldn’t be crossed, and when people do cross them they tend to get called out for it, but when thinking about a kids movie it’s usually better to hope that any overtly adult jokes will go over the heads of many kids and won’t be fully understood. There are times when even a kid’s movie can be a little too crass and vulgar, but again, think about the stuff a lot of us watched way back in the day and how it might be viewed now before we start to judge.
Most animated shows and movies are out to tell a story just like any other project and while it’s true that some of them do get a little out of hand and get kind of fringe and creepy, there are plenty of people that think that it’s not so much of a problem as it is an opportunity to teach children in a different manner. Some of the top animators in the country tend to take liberties with certain subjects and characters and while it tends to create a massive argument at times, one has to remind themselves that in the realm of fiction that many things can happen and DO happen, but none of it needs to affect the real world beyond the screen. Some might want to ask how and why this is the case, but the answer is pretty simple; fiction is the imagination at work and uninhibited desires and beliefs taking over at times to create a story that’s not always fairhanded but is still something that doesn’t have a lot of power in the real world. The only way a fictional story gains any power in the real world is through the efforts of those that are watching the movie and use their own interpretive stance to affix meaning to what they’re seeing. It also happens when an animator and storyteller actively add various elements into a project in order to create a certain effect, which is still the point, that stories require perceptions and biases to push a certain message since otherwise, they can be simply fun and carefree without having to have any other meaning affixed to them. Oh yes, it’s possible.
At the time it’s probably better to just take this sequel for what it is and not what anyone might want to think about it since honestly there do look to be several moments that might be kind of cute and endearing. The cute factor of the movie is something that one can’t really deny since the CG animals are bound to be just fine for some people and horrendous for others given that this is kind of how people work. If there’s something to gripe about then there are bound to be people who will find a reason to do so, that’s kind of unavoidable. But when all is said and done one can’t really deny that this movie might actually be kind of cute and it could be something that could be used to take a person’s mind off of the world for a couple of hours or so, just to give a person time to relax and forget about everything else that’s going on. If nothing else, it will be something fun to let the kids watch and grant a pleasing family movie experience. But yes, the trailer does look a little freaky to start with.
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