Persona is a series of RPGs that was spun off of the Megami Tensei series. For those who are unfamiliar with those names, Megami Tensei means Goddess Reincarnation, so-called because a reincarnation of the Japanese goddess Izanami had an important role in the first installment. Generally speaking, Megami Tensei games tend to feature human protagonists caught between the cosmic forces of Law and Chaos, with the result that they are forced to fight against as well as alongside a wide range of supernatural figures from a wide range of cultures. However, the Persona games stand out in that they tend to be centered around high school students in a fictionalized version of the present rather than a post-apocalyptic world, making use of manifestations of their psyches that often look like supernatural figures rather than the supernatural figures themselves.
Of course, Persona 5 is the fifth installment in the Persona series. It is interesting in that it has something of an anti-authority angle, which to be fair, isn’t exactly an uncommon sentiment in the Megami Tensei series as a whole. For those who are curious, its protagonist was put on probation because he was accused of assault as a result of stepping in to save a woman from a man who happened to have political connections. As a result, when he gains supernatural powers, he uses them along with other teenagers who have suffered from similar failures of the system to convince wrongdoers to reform as a part of an overall plan to change the city that they live in. As a result, it can be said that Persona 5 has some interesting things to say, though people different on how well it said them.
Check Out the First Six Minutes of Persona 5
Regardless, those who are curious should consider checking out the first six minutes of the Persona 5 anime, which have been released as a trailer. It should provide them with more than enough information to figure out whether they’d be interested in following along with the series as it starts broadcasting in April of 2018.
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