While the New Year is still just a few days old, there is already an unusual story that has emerged. In fact, the well-known Mexican restaurant has now officially recognized a man from Ohio for setting a record for the most consecutive days spent eating a meal in the restaurant. According to intel from the staff, the man has spent a total of 426 days, all in a row, eating a minimum of one meal (sometimes more) per day at the Chipotle in his local area, just so he could set this pretty impressive record. However, that’s not the most unusual part of this story. The fact is, there is actually a record out there that some has achieved in the past for eating the most consecutive days at Chipotle.
Who is Behind this New Record?
As the story has unfolded, new information has also been revealed, including the name of this man from Ohio, which is (believe it or not) Bruce Wayne. What is even stranger is that this guy is a huge fan of Batman. In a recent press release, a representative from Chipotle stated that even though this isn’t a typical New Year’s resolution, it does show that the menu they offer of fresh, real ingredients provides a little something for everyone.
How is the Feat being Commemorated?
To commemorate this new record, the restaurant has actually given Bruce a superhero cape that was custom made, as well as cufflinks. This was said to be a nod to his extreme love of burritos and Batman. Chipotle also announced that they are going to reinvest the money that Bruce has spent in the past 400 and some odd days to any nonprofit charity of his choosing.
When Did the Efforts Begin?
According to the restaurant, the challenge by Wayne was started on October 30th of 2016. This was after Wayne learned that Chipotle had plans for opening an all new location, which would be in Tiffin. At this time, he did his own research on the restaurant and found out that there was another fan who consumed food from Chipotle for a period of 425 days and he still maintained all of his fitness goals. This is when Wayne made the decision to surpass this goal and become the newly crowned record holder.
Even though Bruce Wayne is now the official record holder at Chipotle, he has stated that he doesn’t have any type of plans in the near future to stop this daily routine. The entire journey has been documented on Wayne’s Instagram account, which includes a daily photo of what he orders, as well as the receipt showing that he is really there and that the record is still his. If you want to learn more about Mr. Wayne and his future goals, follow him on Instagram. There are sure to be many more delicious days in 2018 that you can follow along with too.
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