Filipino Man Makes Action Figures Out Of Old Flip Flops and They’re Impressive

Filipino Man Makes Action Figures Out Of Old Flip Flops and They’re Impressive

Flip flops are a common thing to see on the beaches and throughout many communities during the summertime. You can see them for sale in many upon many stores throughout the world since they are relatively easy to make and don’t take a lot of time or effort. But the major issue they present is that they are a very big water pollutant and can cause a great deal of damage if allowed to float around in the ocean or even litter the beaches. In the Philippines one man has found a way to turn that problem into something rather unique and even enjoyable for those that are interested in what he does.

Filipino Man Makes Action Figures Out Of Old Flip Flops and They’re Impressive

This is seriously cool without being patronizing or insincere. Look at the creations this guy can make out of old, discarded flip flops. He actually goes out looking for discarded flip flops and then brings them home by the dozen to create these unique characters completely of what he finds. Just looking at them from a glance you would think that they’d been professionally made. The details are so great that you’d almost think that he’s a top designer for a toy company.

Filipino Man Makes Action Figures Out Of Old Flip Flops and They’re Impressive

You really have to get up close and personal to see that these things are made from old flip flops, the detail is that good. Even more impressive is how he gets them to stand up in action poses as though they’re ready to spring into action. The kind of talent that is needed to do this is simply amazing.

Filipino Man Makes Action Figures Out Of Old Flip Flops and They’re Impressive

Just from a glance I can see two versions of Bumblebee, the Predator, Hellboy, Deadpool, and Alien, and figure in dark glasses that I suppose could be Neo from the Matrix. Each character is so easily recognizable that you can only think that he’s something of a movie buff or has at least seen a movie trailer or poster more than once. It just boggles the mind how he came upon this skill.

Filipino Man Makes Action Figures Out Of Old Flip Flops and They’re Impressive

I also wonder how impressed the kids watching him are, or if they’re waiting for him to be done so that he might allow them to have one. I really don’t know if he sells them or not but chances are good that he could demand a fairly good price for them.

Filipino Man Makes Action Figures Out Of Old Flip Flops and They’re Impressive

There’s a couple of robots in this one that I don’t know enough about but perhaps they have something to do with the next picture. Or maybe they’re creations of his own that are unique. It’s hard to tell since I don’t keep up with every cartoon fad throughout the world, but they’re still very cool-looking.

Filipino Man Makes Action Figures Out Of Old Flip Flops and They’re Impressive

I know enough that this a Gundam warrior, and this is just remarkable how well he does with the materials he has. Up close you can see a little better the materials that are used, but he still executes each form in a way that makes you think less about flip flops and more about the amount of time and effort that goes into each piece.


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