Young and Hungry is a sitcom created by David Holden and produced by Ashley Tisdale. In brief, it is centered around Gabi Diamond, a young chef who is hired by tech magnate Josh Xander Kaminski, thus resulting in the potential for a romantic relationship. Originally, Young and Hungry was broadcast on ABC Family, but since that time, it is now being broadcast on Freedom, which is another TV channel owned by the Disney-ABC Television Group that specializes in catering to teenagers and young adults. Currently, Young and Hungry has run for four seasons, while a fifth season will be released sometime in the not so distant future.
Here are 5 things that you may or may not have known about Young and Hungry:
Filmed in Front of a Live Audience
Young and Hungry is an excellent example of a TV show that is still filmed in front of a live audience. This is a practice carried over from live theatre, but it is interesting to note that it can provide actors with a number of important benefits. For example, the presence of a live audience can encourage actors to do their best. Furthermore, a live audience can be used to gauge the viewers’ reaction in real time, thus enabling actors to further optimize their performances for the best results.
Features a Fair Amount of Improvisation
One of the actors has noted that he does a fair amount of improvisation when he acts on Young and Hungry. This is unsurprising because of how the TV show is filmed in front of a live audience, but once again, this should not be considered a bad thing. After all, improvisation can make for a much more natural flow to a TV show, which can be critical for the ultimate outcome.
Been Nominated for a Bunch of Awards
So far, Young and Hungry has received numerous nominations but not a single win. For example, it was nominated for a People’s Choice Award, an Imagen Foundation Award, and two Teen Choice Awards in 2016. Unfortunately, Young and Hungry has not managed to win a single award so far, but if it continues to receive nominations at the same rate, it seems probable that it will pick up one or two at some point in the future.
Famous Guest-Stars
Young and Hungry has had a number of famous guest stars. For example, Betty White made an appearance as Ms. Wilson, one of Gabi’s neighbors who provided her with romantic advice. Likewise, Ashley Tisdale showed up as a magazine writer who went out on a date with Gabi, while Kylie Minogue showed up as a tech reporter who dated Josh.
Inspired a Spin-Off
At one point, Young and Hungry came close to inspiring a spin-off of its own called Young & Sofia. Like its name suggests, the spin-off would’ve been about Gabi’s roommate, Sofia Rodriguez, a banking intern as well as Gabi’s best friend. Unfortunately, nothing ever came of it, seeing as how the spin-off was never picked up.
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