I’d Like to See “American Beauty” Sam Mendes Back in the Director’s Chair

When I think of Sam Mendes I think of two movies: American Beauty and Road to Perdition.  I think of dark, oddly humorous and twisted plots with music scored by Thomas Newman.  I think of once in a while movies that make you think, that make you cry, and that make you “feel.”    To a lesser extent I think of Revolutionary Road which was probably too dark.  I even think of Away We Go.  But I certainly don’t think of Jarhead or Skyfall, or Spectre.

I wouldn’t call it selling it out by any means but it’s almost as if Mendes took a mental break from doing movies he had to think too much about.  I don’t fault a director for doing James Bond.  It’s a very successful franchise and he did a very solid job with Skyfall and Spectre.   But the selfish fan in me wants the pensive, thought provoking Sam Mendes back.   There’s a chance we might get him too.   According to Variety

Sam Mendes is in early talks to direct an adaptation of “My Favorite Thing is Monsters” at Sony Pictures. Sony recently won a bidding war for the Emil Ferris graphic novel. Amasia Entertainment’s Bradley Gallo and Michael Helfant are producing along with Mendes. The story follows a 10-year-old girl who tries to solve the murder of her enigmatic upstairs neighbor – a Holocaust survivor —while the interconnected stories of those around her unfold. Palak Patel is overseeing for Columbia Pictures.

From the looks of it, this is a movie that might drain the hell out of Sam Mendes and that’s exactly what we need.  Someone call Thomas Newman to do the score as well.  I’m rooting for you Sam!

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