There’s a lot of murder and mayhem on Days of Our Lives on a fairly regular basis, but it seems that things are getting even more out of control these days than they have been in a while. What is going on around here? We aren’t entirely certain we know what’s happening, but we certainly know that things are not looking good for people who are being blamed for murders they did not commit, and those who are looking to stop living the way they’ve been living. When Rafe and Roman are in the middle of the police station going about their normal business as usual, someone by the name of Monahan walks into the station.
They’re not entirely sure what this strange man wants, but he immediately stops them in their tracks. He says he wants to confess to murder. Who is this man, who did he murder? What is he talking about and why is he walking into a police station to admit to something like this? It turns out that he’s a man who Andre has paid to lie to them. Why is Andre lying about something that he was so hellbent on pinning on the actual murderer for so long? Rafe is deadest on finding Hope to let her know what’s going on since she is technically the real person who murdered Stefano, as this man is trying to confess. However, she’s off with Aiden on some sort of romantic holiday that will bring the two of them closer together and her even further from Rafe.
What will happen now that this man has come into the building and admitted to murder? Everyone knows he did not do it, but they certainly cannot ignore a confession like that, can they? It looks like they have their work cut out for them, even if Rafe is inclined to let this guy take the rap so that Hope doesn’t have to worry about this anymore. We don’t know how it will go down, only that someone is going to have to do some serious work to get through this.
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