From Dusk Till Dawn Season 1 Episode 4 Review: “Let’s Get Ramblin'”

From Dusk Till Dawn

It’s been a couple of weeks since my last review of From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series, but I’m finally able to pick it back up with the best episode since the pilot, “Let’s Get Ramblin’.”

The episode starts off with the characters continuing their paths from the end of the previous episode (Ranger Gonzales on the road to find the Gekko Brothers, the Gekko Brothers forced to clean up Richie’s mess in the inn, and Katie driving her brother and father in the RV due to Jacob now being drunk). Katie decides to head over to the closest place to stay for the night, and it just so happens that the nearest hotel is the Dew Drop Inn. Back at the inn, Seth diverts the housekeeper from coming inside and seeing the body of the bank teller, and Richie tries to explain to his brother that he is seeing things that will help them. Seth isn’t in the mood to deal with Richie, and he walks out to get some air. In the process, he walks in front of the Fuller’s RV as Katie is driving it to their room.

Back on the road, Freddie gets a call from his boss and tries to explain about the blood cult. Unfortunately, his boss doesn’t want to listen to him and only reluctantly agrees to let Freddie do what he needs to do. At the inn, tensions are very high between all three members of the Fuller family as they set up in their room for the night. Jacob tries to apologize to Katie and explain himself, but Katie doesn’t want to deal with him and heads out to the inn’s pool. After she’s gone, Richie and Seth break into the Fullers’ room and take them hostage. Jacob tries to hide Katie’s whereabouts, but the brothers manage to figure out that she’s at the pool. Seth plans to go get her until he remembers what happened to the bank teller when he left his brother alone before. Instead, he sends Richie after the girl, but not before warning him not to touch her.

At the pool, Katie is reading the case files from her mother’s death. In the process, she discovers that her father has been lying to everyone about the circumstances about the accident. While Jacob was not drunk at the time, the report reveals that he and his wife had been in an altercation right before the crash. Richie sneaks up to Katie while she is in the pool, and they talk for a minute while sharing some cigarettes. Jacob finally recognizes Seth as one of the Gekko Brothers, and it’s revealed that Seth plans to use the Fullers and their RV to cross the border without getting caught. Back at the pool, Katie and Richie continue to have a conversation, and Katie ends up revealing more of her story to him. After he creepily tells her something about her mother, though, Katie heads back to her room. She walks in to find Seth, and Richie blocks her exit.

In his car, Freddie accidentally cuts himself with Richie’s knife, and it gives him a vision of a criminal whose death he witnessed on his third day on the job with Earl. He reaches the Big Kahuna Burger from the previous episode, and he sees Seth’s ex-wife Vanessa still holding the cop hostage. Freddie tries to talk her down from helping Seth by showing her crime scene photos of things that Richie has done, and he manages to convince her to tell him what she knows. Her only request is that Freddie gets Seth away from Richie.

Back at the inn, Seth explains the plan for getting everyone out, while Freddie pulls up to the Dew Drop Inn. He finds the body of the bank teller, and he calls his boss to let him know. As he hangs up the phone, he asks a passing Jacob if he has seen the Gekkos (to which Jacob, obviously, says no). Jacob starts the RV and pulls it around to the designated spot. Richie and Scott begin step two of the plan by heading down to the RV, but Richie threatens Scott with his gun before they can get too far. He manages to scare Scott out of trying anything, and they make it to the RV. Meanwhile, a police car pulls up to the inn while the housekeeper is telling Freddie that she heard Richie’s voice in the Fullers’ room. Freddie and the cops head up either side of the stairs to the room, and a gunfight ensues as Seth and Katie head to the RV. Everyone manages to make it to the RV, and the unlikely crew begin the drive to the border.

This episode finally brought back the potential that From Dusk till Dawn showed in the pilot, and it was great to see the story progress as the characters are finally all on the same path. The flashback of Freddie’s third day on the job was a real highlight of the episode, and the cast did a spectacular job with the material. Madison Davenport is proving to be an exceptional member of a really solid overall cast, and it’s really cool to be able to see how well she does with as he role increases. Also, the escape scene at the end of the episode is one of the most exceptional scenes in the series so far. Overall, From Dusk till Dawn is definitely headed in the right direction, and we’re finally getting close to where, in the movie, the story turns from a crime thriller into a supernatural thriller.

[Photo via El Rey Network]

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