Costumes are the best part of Halloween. Next is probably the candy if you’re a kid, and the candy/drinking if you’re an adult. But firmly in a close third place? Pumpkin carving. It’s a tradition I’ve never grown out of, and neither have many people around the country. Turns out, many of them are TV fans, and there are a whole host of TV-related pumpkin patterns that fans have created over the years. I hunted down the 20 coolest ones I could find based on the most popular shows of past and present, and some of these are really incredible. Others? Well, at least they tried. Check out all of them below, and submit your own if you think you’ve done one that’s rather cool.

True Blood

The Office


Sons of Anarchy

The Simpsons

Parks and Recreation

Mad Men


Game of Thrones


Family Guy

Doctor Who




The Colbert Report

Breaking Bad

Battlestar Galactica

Arrested Development

It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia
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