10 Things You Didn’t Know about “Kindergarten Cop”

10 Things You Didn’t Know about “Kindergarten Cop”

Kindergarten Cop was a big deal in the Pacific Northwest at one point, kind of like The Goonies but not quite as popular. The reason for this was that it was filmed in Astoria, Oregon, which is also where The Goonies and another film, Short Circuit, happened to have visited during filming. A lot of other cities are typically proud to host a number of film moments  but the PNW doesn’t always have big stars like Arnold Schwarzenegger rolling through trying to film a big motion picture. This one-time classic about a cop going undercover to become a kindergarten teacher was something special for a lot of people because the increased revenue it brought the town of Astoria for a time was very welcome. The fame of it kind of came and went but the film is still remembered by long-time residents.

If you ask them they might even pinpoint the school and other various locations.

10. Schwarzenegger had a few demands before he accepted the role.

He wanted certain themes like broken homes, child abuse, and other similar ideas written into the script and he wanted a fitness theme as well.

9. The kids absolutely loved Arnold.

They were all over him constantly, climbing on him like a giant jungle gym that could play back.

8. During his off day Arnold flew back to LA to film T2.

That’s a heck of a commute since he was only shooting the teaser trailer for the next Terminator movie.

7. The school is just a few block from the Goonies house.

As landmarks go the fame has kind of worn off of both since the Goonies house is occupied and the owners do like their privacy, and the school is still being used for its intended purpose.

6. The film recruited local kids to be extras.

They went through thousands of kids auditioning but those chosen as extras were local and were paid a little over thirty dollars a day.

5. All the classroom scenes were in LA.

This was so Arnold could be closer to his family and not have to commute back and forth so often.

4. Arnold was very nervous initially.

He wasn’t quite sure how to act around the kids to begin with, but obviously things went very well after that.

3. Arnold gave a commencement speech at Astoria High School.

It’s safe to say that a lot of graduates from AHS would be able to recall just who was at their school that year.

2. Arnold believed the film could have done better without the violence.

He was sure the film could have grossed another $25 million if the violence had been left out but the director wanted it to remain in as it made the film just a little more complete.

1. The movie appealed to Arnold since he’d just become a father. 

It’s a lot easier to work with kids sometimes if you’ve finally let your guard down and become a parent. The mindset that’s required is hard to fathom at first but it comes without any effort.

People around Astoria still remember this movie fondly.

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