A Blue Whale Next to a 75 Foot Boat Because this is Ridiculous

A Blue Whale Next to a 75 Foot Boat Because this is Ridiculous

I told you guys the other day that I wanted to start sharing more animal stuff.  While I’m a shark guy first and foremost that doesn’t mean I don’t love other animals and sharing some of the cool stuff they can do.  Honestly I have no idea and don’t really care what a Blue Whale can do.  I just know that the Blue Whale’s been on my mind because I recently took my kids to the Natural Museum of History.  Seeing that massive Blue Whale was quite a site.  It’s hard to believe that there are still animals out there that are just as big as some of the biggest dinosaurs.

While I know whales aren’t out to get us (most of them), I’m pretty sure that if I saw one of these in the water I’d be petrified.   The IUCN estimates that there are probably between 10,000 and 25,000 blue whales worldwide today.  While that number is tiny in the grand scheme of animals, it seems pretty high considering how massive these animals actually are.

The photo above shows a blue whale that’s pretty far away from a 75 foot boat and oh my God this is ridiculous. I could stare at this picture all day. At up to 100 feet in length and with a maximum recorded weight of 173 tonnes (191 short tons) and probably reaching over 181 tonnes (200 short tons), it is the largest animal known to have ever existed.

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