Young and the Restless: Does Lily Suspect Cane Cheated?

Young and the Restless: Does Lily Suspect Cane Cheated?

Young and the Restless fans are nervous for Cane. He’s made it his goal to improve his relationship with Lilly, and it’s not working. He managed to get drunk and wake up to find Juliet’s jewelry next to his bed, and she confirmed they spent a drunken night together. He doesn’t remember any of it, but she’s got some blackmailing to do so she doesn’t care. Now, we have a thought about this one — we think she never slept with him. We think she got him good and drunk, put him to bed, and left her jewelry behind for him to find on purpose. She wants a new position within the company, and she’ll do anything she can to get it. Now we think she’s been setting him up, but he has no idea.

Unfortunately for Cane, this is not going to go well. He’s been stressing about it, and Lilly knows something is up. She’s got a sixth sense that he’s upset about something and worried, and she’s going to start wondering. Cane is finally starting to feel better as Juliet makes it clear to him she’s not going to say anything about their night together, but she’s a liar. When she decided to take a job in Genoa City, Cane began to worry once again, but she reassures him regularly that she will say nothing about what happened. But Cane is worried.

He is going to let his own feelings get to him, and we have a feeling he is going to confess. Will he do it before Juliet begins to blackmail him, or will he get to Lilly to confess before she can use this information for herself? We think Juliet might want to use this information as quickly as possible, because she is running out of time to make sure he gets to do what she wants. She’s not going to find it possible to use this information for personal gain if he’s already told his wife he cheated.

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