Days of Our Lives Spoilers: What’s Going on With Marlena?

Days of Our Lives Spoilers: What’s Going on With Marlena?

Days of Our Lives fans watched with a lot of anger and unhappiness as things took a turn for Hope and Rafe yesterday. We all want to see them find a way to stay happy and in love, but we all think that perhaps our time with that situation is limited. There might not be much we can do to get that to work in our favor in the moment, and we can’t wait to see how this all plays out. Is there a chance that they can get their lives together in a manner that works for them, or is it too late for them? We know that Ben made a very big accusation against Hope saying that she planted false evidence so that he would end up in legal trouble. He says she would do this because she doesn’t want him near her daughter, who does like him.

And now things are turning for the worse, because Rafe questioned her. It might not have been an easy situation for him to sit down and ask her if this is true, but he did. He asked her if there is a chance that she did do that, and we think that there is a chance she did do that. There is a good chance she did, and he knows that. He knows that there is a moment that she might decide to do something like that for the sheer desperation she’s feeling. She’s not in a good place with Ben and Ciara and their friendship, and we don’t doubt that Rafe questions whether or not she’s being honest. She’s horrified he would even ask her and that he doubts her, but the truth is that we can all see her desperate side showing, and it sounds like something that he might do.

What’s Happening on Days of Our Lives

What is going on with Marlena, and can she change her life and her situation? Her newfound personality is certainly not anyone that we love the most, but we also wonder if there is a chance a little bit of something is going on her and perhaps she is not herself. Well, we knew she’s not herself, but we mean literally and completely not herself. Is that possible?

What’s Next on Days of Our Lives

Chloe is done playing games. She’s not having another moment of any of this. There is too much that is going on. And there is nothing that Bonnie can do at the moment to put a stop to any of it, either. She’s not having this. She’s wanting Lucas to do her bidding and make things happen for her, but Chloe is feeling more than a little protective of all of this, and it’s turning into a serious moment. There’s really not much they can do at this point, but we do think that there is a little bit of a situation we can handle watching this all unfold. We have a feeling that Bonnie’s daughter is going to get involved in all of this, and that will only make things more complicated for them.

And then there is the fact that there is so much that they don’t seem to know. They have a situation on their hands that they aren’t sure how to handle because they don’t feel the information they are being given is accurate or helpful. They do, however, feel that there is so much being held back. Meanwhile, Marlena’s entire family is a mess. They are all upset and horrified and sad that things are going the way that they are going. They have no way to know that this is going to change for them or that they can make a difference in the lives of one another, and we don’t know if she will live or die at this point in her situation.

Stay tuned for more Days of Our Lives and be sure to check out TVOvermind daily for the latest Days of Our Lives spoilers, news, and updates.

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