You know a show has gained the attention of its audience when the network broadcasting it has already decided to go ahead with season 2 before season 1 has even concluded. That alone says that the response to the show has been so phenomenal that confidence is high enough to keep the ball rolling. While the second season of Westworld is still in the works a great deal of information is still being withheld just to keep fans interested and keep them salivating for the return of their favorite characters and the further development of this rather interesting story. Here is what we know however concerning season 2.
5. There are other parks to be considered
This show might be based in the wild west, but during the finale it was revealed that Delos might have been dipping into a few other ideas for a thrilling fantasy experience. Seeing what appeared to be a fully-armored samurai left fans wondering if we might be seeing a different view come next season. The idea of course is that there are many different parks where one could play out whatever fantasy they want. Fans should be ready to explore different worlds when season 2 arrives.
4. The hosts are becoming more aware
As the show progresses it’s kind of obvious that the hosts are starting to become more self-aware and thus more complicated. The simple fact that they are being allowed to explore their sentience and the world around them is going to drive the development that season 2 will be based upon. Thankfully though, this won’t detract from the action, as fans can still expect all the hard-hitting entertainment they can get.
3. The storytelling aspect won’t change
If you didn’t enjoy the non-linear aspect of the story then season 2 might not appeal to you as much, as this format is not going away any time soon. It’s not meant to confuse or confound the viewer in any way, but it is important to show how the host interacts with their reality. In a way it shows what they go through and how this affects their cognition, so it is entirely necessary to keep the format and continue to roll with it.
2. There’s no telling who might be back
Think about it. In a world like Westworld most anyone can come back. In a sense the characters in Westworld are almost like comic book characters in that there are always ways to bring them back. Resurrection is a very feasible plot point in this show, and means that fans could be guessing for a while as to just who will be making an appearance in the next season. Unfortunately that brings us to the problem of the next point on this list.
1. The fans might be waiting for a while
The more intricate the sets and plot lines, the more time something will take to make. Fans of Westworld are going to have to wait until around late 2017 or until sometime in early 2018 for the next season to come out. There’s a lot of work to be done and the special effects alone take a great deal of time to perfect so that fans won’t be disappointed. Have no fear though, season 2 is definitely coming.
It’s difficult to wait for a favorite show to come back on the air. It’s even harder when the show gives so many hints and pointers as to what might be coming. Hard as it is though, the payoff is usually worth it.
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