credit: AHS
There are a lot of actors in Hollywood that tend to get overlooked at times despite the fact that people happen to love seeing them on the big or small screen. Wes Bentley is one of those that quite a few people insist they’ve seen before and know from one show or movie but can’t always remember his name. The fact is that this actor has a rather long and impressive resume since he’s shown up in a variety of projects that range from minor appearances and cameos to major roles that might not have been great but were still attempts at creating something that was supposed to be impressive. One thing that’s easy to say is that anytime he’s on screen, it does appear that he has the kind of skill that’s needed to portray a villain to great effect, especially since he has a distinctive look that makes him appear a bit sinister when he’s dressed up in one way or another. Trying to deny this is tougher than wondering who he might be able to portray in a comic book movie since the truth is that he’s already been there and done that.

credit: Ghost Rider
He’d be great as an MCU villain, as he’s already had practice in the past.
Those who remember the first Ghost Rider movie will recall that Bentley was cast as Blackheart, the son of the devil and the main antagonist. That didn’t come off as all that great since he didn’t have a lot of time on screen or even that many great lines. But the fact is that his appearance was definitely worth watching since something about Wes just screams ‘villain’, especially when it comes to playing certain parts. Some actors try to portray villains but usually come off looking like the good guy or just another individual that’s pretending to be bad when in truth, they’re about as wicked as a box of kittens. Wes is the type of actor who can play the part of the good guy and still look kind of sketchy but can portray a villain and really bring it home since his appearance can be made into something terrifying and downright spiteful without much effort.
Casting him as the sinister type would play to his skills as an actor.
Some villains are over the top when it comes to their character and the things they do, while others are quiet and bide their time until it’s the right moment to strike. Then there are the villains who are cerebral in their approach and don’t often get their hands dirty unless they have to, but are scary as hell all the same. He might be great for a role that requires someone who is insanely powerful but is contained in a form that doesn’t look quite as imposing, which would be perfect since Wes isn’t a huge guy and while he does look kind of intimidating, he’s not quite as aggressive as other actors that might be able to growl and scare the living hell out of people.

credit: Yellowstone
It shouldn’t be ruled out that he might be able to play the part of Mr. Sinister.
Jon Hamm has been looked at for this role, but seeing how nothing appears to have been set in stone, it’s fair to think that maybe Wes would be a good fit for the role as well, especially considering that he could accomplish this role with as much skill as anyone. Some might want to argue that in the comics, Mr. Sinister is a pretty buff individual, but it’s possible that Wes could pack on a couple of pounds and still be impressive enough to take the role. Not only that, but a very slimmed-down version of the character was seen in Inferno, the story in which Peter, aka Colossus, was attempting to save his sister, Illyana, from her darker half. The long and short of it is that Sinister did show up, and he wasn’t the dark, terrifying being he’d been for so long as he was more of a tinkerer and manipulator with a massive ego that was thankfully killed off but was still intimidating enough to be useful to the story.
Seeing Wes in a strong role would be intriguing.
Stating that Wes has been cast into roles that make him appear weak isn’t entirely accurate since his time in Yellowstone as Jamie Dutton might see him as being subservient to the family that took him in, but he’s also shown that he can take on roles that allow him a certain amount of authority as well. His casting as an MCU villain could easily cement him as a useful part of the franchise and someone that would bear another look when it comes to portraying a dangerous villain.
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