10 Things You Never Knew about Undertale

10 Things You Never Knew about Undertale

Back in 2015 a game funded by Kickstarter managed to take the gaming world by storm. Undertale is an RPG that has the type of graphics that would normally be seen on an older system like Super Nintendo, but the story has managed to captivate a lot of players and the old-school appearance is something that a lot of old-school gamers tend to love. The story revolves around a kid that falls into an underground kingdom that’s filled with monsters, and it’s up to the player to either befriend the creatures or kill them all and take what they have. It’s the kind of game that gives the player a choice as to what kind of person they want to be. The game was originally brought on the PC and was made available to home consoles after a while, and it’s become known as one of the greatest and most bizarre stories of all time.

Here are a few things you probably don’t know about Undertale.

10. It was supposed to have a bikini ending.

Remember when Metroid ended and you got to see Samus in a really skimpy outfit? The creator wanted to do the same here but didn’t quite have time so the ending was nixed for the most part and wasn’t spoken of again.

9. It makes players kill a character they come to love.

This was actually going to be dropped since it was considered to be too dark, as there was an option to have Toriel kill herself rather than have the player do it. Either way just seems unbearably tragic though as it’s kind of depressing for a video game.

8. The game had a lot of issues with it.

Players are sometimes the best source to go to when it comes to finding bugs in the system since they can pick up on them pretty quickly through regular gameplay. Undertale has had a few issues with it since it was brought out and there have been patches used to fix several of the problems that have cropped up.

7. The game stole something from a McDonald’s commercial.

The speed and pitch are different but essentially the character of Flowey uses the same line that Ronald McDonald uses in a commercial and makes it sound so much creepier, thereby making this game just a little darker and more disturbing than before.

6. There was a lot of controversy when it came to deciding which game was the best.

However it happens some game fans are so adamant about what they want to vote in as the best game and which characters they want to see lifted on a pedestal that voting for such things tends to take really weird turns and eventually when Undertale was voted as best game a lot of people were up in arms about it.

5. One of the characters drew a lot of heat from fans.

The character So Sorry drew a lot of ire from fans and actually forced the creator, Toby Fox, to send out a message telling them to stop targeting him with attacks on social media and various other messaging boards.

4. Burgerpants is one of the easiest characters to relate to.

This is because the character seems so disillusioned with his place in life that people can immediately feel for him and even sympathize most times. It’s easy to feel sorry for a character that is actually fairly realistic in their disdain for their work.

3. There were actual messages in the game asking people not to share the information with others.

The creator of the game actually included these messages to discourage hackers from changing anything or sharing spoilers about the game to anyone that hadn’t gone through it yet. To think that this is necessary is kind of sad but it’s also a bit amazing to think that the technology that exists is able to allow people to mess with the creations of others. That’s a bit worrisome.

2. The game has one of the most dedicated fanbases around.

Looking at the graphics one would think this would be a game relegated to the bargain bin since so many titles come out that are considered to be superior because of their graphics and their story, but Undertale is well-liked by fans.

1. The main song was inspired by a Super Nintendo song.

It was inspired by another song from another RPG that never managed to leave Japan. How the creator managed to get a hold of so much inspirational material is something that only gamers would really know, but it’s made for a seriously unique experience.

Disregarding the graphics, Undertale seems to have a very compelling story and a lot of fun gameplay that people seem to enjoy. While graphics seem to decide if a game is going to live or die on the shelves at times this one has certainly defied that logic.

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