Twists From Breaking Bad Season 3 That Took Us For a Real Ride

Breaking Bad Season 3 Walt

While many Breaking Bad fans (including myself) may debate which season of the show is better than the other, whether it’s Season 1 or Season 4 or Season 5, there’s no denying that, as a whole, Breaking Bad is one of the single best television series to ever be created. Just this week past week marked a year since Breaking Bad‘s series finale, and thinking about the show has made many of us here at TVOvermind quite nostalgic for the story of Walter White, which is why I decided to look at what I consider to be the turning point in Breaking Bad‘s history: Season 3. Breaking Bad Season 3 features countless standout moments and was when, in my opinion, the show truly found its groove, balancing its thrilling crime aspects with the tragic family drama and always providing a new twist or turn right when you least expected it. These are five “twists” from Breaking Bad Season 3 that still amaze us to this day.

5. Sklyer cheats on Walt. And admits it to his face.

It wasn’t surprising to discover that Skyler had slept with Ted, due to their growing attraction to one another and her complete hatred of Walt after she had found out that he had been lying to her for so long. However, the scene in the Whites’ kitchen, where Skyler looks Walt straight in the eyes and tells him what she did, is still one of the best and most shocking moments from Breaking Bad Season 3. Anna Gunn’s delivery of the line and Bryan Cranston’s look of surprise, anger, and betrayal make it a standout scene in a season that’s full of them.

4. “Fly”

Love it or hate it (and it’s a very divisive episode among Breaking Bad fans), Season 3’s “Fly” was certainly surprising to most viewers. With all the tension, violence, and drama that the series had been known to deliver, this bottle episode, where Walt comes this close to telling Jesse the truth about Jane, was a shocking but welcome change of pace for Breaking Bad Season 3, and it’s certainly an episode of television that is still discussed quite frequently, even though the show has been off the air for over a year.

3. Hank versus the Cousins.

For me personally, the ending scene of “One Minute,” in which Hank receives a “mysterious” tip that the Cousins are going to try to kill him, leading to a bloody, violent, and frankly almost too-tense showdown between him and the two silent killers, is when I truly fell in love with Breaking Bad. I had never been so gripped to what was happening on my TV screen, and the sequence isn’t just one of the best moments from Breaking Bad Season 3–I’d argue it’s one of the greatest moments in TV history.

Jesse BB Season 3

2. Jesse shoots Gale.

Aaron Paul, ladies and gentleman. Jess having to choose whether or not to shoot and kill Gale in order to save both himself and Walt was not just a fantastic piece of filmmaking but a truly incredible performance from Paul as Jesse. As the scene goes on and Jesse remains unsure, it becomes less about the thrilling tension of “What’s going to happen?” and more about the emotional trauma this individual is facing while making his decision. It’s one of the best moments from Breaking Bad Season 3 and one of Paul’s finest acting moments throughout the entire series.

1. “Run.”

Two dead drug dealers, one single word uttered, and millions of people left sitting in front of their televisions, completely stunned. That’s exactly what the closing scene of “Half Measures” provided when it first aired, and it’s become a legendary moment in TV history since. Just watch it again for yourself. There’s no question that this the most shocking, surprising, and, overall, best moment from Breaking Bad Season 3.

Photos via AMC

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