This Tristan Thompson Picture has to Make Lebron James’ Blood Boil

This Tristan Thompson Picture has to Make Lebron James’ Blood Boil

You can say whatever you want about Lebron James and his whole “rest” thing.   You can talk until the end of time about how he whines and doesn’t think he can win without a supporting cast.  It’s easy to cast doubt or anger over Lebron James simply because it’s easy to make the guy a villain.   But he’s not a villain.  He’s went from a young superstar who carried teams to a guy that just wants to win.  He’s still one of the best if not the best player in the league and the dude just wants what’s best for his team and the city of Cleveland.

So when you see on court altercations with guys like Tristan Thompson who James basically GOT his contract, you’ve gotta side with James.  “Hey Tristan, I’m gonna make sure you get paid an obscene amount of money, all I ask is that you play hard and not make a spectacle of yourself in the offseason.”  I mean he had to have had this conversation with him at some point, right?  Did Thompson listen?  Does this picture indicate an answer?  Thompson’s been dating Khloe Kardashian the whole season and if you think it’s not causing locker room issues, think again.

“I would love to have a family,” Khloe told ES Magazine when asked about her relationship with the NBA star … “We’ve talked about it.” When asked point-blank if she would accept a marriage proposal, Khloe responded, “Yes, I would.”

Yeah, this news should help.  James must be stewing right now.   This is the movie American Gangster.  Lebron is Denzel and Tristan is his showy little brother who winds up getting them pinched.

Photo Via realtristan13


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