This Unofficial Video Pitch for a Seinfeld Video Game

This Unofficial Video Pitch for a Seinfeld Video Game

Does anyone else feel as though a game based on Seinfeld is more than just a game about nothing? In a way this game has the feel of what it might be like to be overly neurotic, hopelessly addicted to being shady and deceptive, and definitely about being way too pick when it comes to just about anything. Lara Zaram of FlavorWire has more to say on this. How a show that was essentially about nothing, meaning nothing important, nothing worthwhile, and nothing that really did anything to bolster society in any way, is amazing, and yet it became popular all the same. The hope would be that the game might be kind of like a New York City version of Farmville, you pick a character and a setting, play for a little while, and then go away and leave it after the boredom sets in. How a show such as this became one of the most watched and celebrated programs on TV is a mark of how vapidity and neurotic behavior has become a part of American life, and of course how it translates into comedy since like it or not, a lot of people found the Seinfeld show quite funny. Why is a good question, especially since a lot of the humor came from Kramer walking into just about anyplace in a goofy manner and having a sort of bewildered look on his face.

If the show was labeled as being about nothing then the game would surely be about less than nothing since there’s not much to the show when one really looks at it. Between the various settings and the fact that the core group of friends didn’t really do much with their lives it was hard to get excited by this program, but to each their own really. Amanda Holpuch of The Guardian has another opinion that might be interesting to readers. Fans would plan their day around this show at times and would be in a rush to hurry home so that they didn’t miss it. As one of the big shows of the 90s it was one of those that a lot of people couldn’t help but cling to since it was new, it was apparently hip, and it featured characters that weren’t the wholesome bunch that a lot of people were still used to from a decade or two before. That might have been the draw really since in the 90s a lot of entertainment was picking up on the general attitude and had moved past the wholesome and fulfilling shows that were all about family and were able to teach people the values and traditions of what was considered to be the average American home. Seinfeld had none of that, and in fact even the Costanza’s proved this since their family dynamic was borderline crazy considering that George and his father were both a little nuts even at the best of times.

Honestly this show was never one of my favorites and might have graced my TV if there was absolutely nothing on. Even the driest of court TV was often considered better than this, but many upon many people happened to love the show and would swear by it. The game proposal is something that would likely turn many companies off if only because it looks like a very cheap version of the Sims, and not a fun version at that since Seinfeld likely wouldn’t translate too well to the video game world. Sophie Caraan of Hypebeast has more to say on this topic. Likely as not there would be someone that would buy it since there’s always bound to be a fan or three out there that are willing to pick up anything that has to do with one of their favorite parts of pop culture. But overall this looks like it would be a flop from the word ‘go’. There are plenty of video games out there that don’t make sense considering that they have to do with very mundane and simple ideas that don’t sound as though they’d be all that exciting. Yet people play them anyway and for one reason or another continue to download or buy them. A game such as this would basically be like controlling your own episode of the show, albeit with some programming laid in so that you might follow a designated path and thereby come to a predetermined conclusion which is bound to be a lot of nothing that came from nothing and had nothing to do with anything. In other words it would be a faithful representation of the show.

It might sound a bit cynical to say such things but likely as not a game based on Seinfeld would likely be for comedy value and nothing more since otherwise there would be no point in making it other than trying to get fans on board so that the creator could make a quick cash grab. If it works, great for them, if not, well, it’s still a funny idea.

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