This Box Office Bomb is the Top Movie Streaming on Netflix

This Box Office Bomb is the Top Movie Streaming on Netflix

Madame Web, a film that received significant flak from critics and audiences alike, has found an unexpected second life on Netflix. Despite its tepid box office performance—earning just enough to cover its production budget of $96 million—the superhero flick is the platform’s top movie in the United States since its arrival on May 14th, 2024.

From Box Office Bomb to Streaming Sensation

The movie currently holds a mere 12% on Rotten Tomatoes and faced some of the harshest reviews for any recent superhero film. Sony initially had franchise ambitions for this entry in their Spider-Man Universe but reportedly ruled out sequels due to such negative reception. Even I was just along for the ride for whatever was going to happen said Sydney Sweeney, addressing the widespread criticism.

This Box Office Bomb is the Top Movie Streaming on Netflix

Meme Culture and Irony as Fuel

The appeal of the absurd seems to be keeping viewers hooked. The dichotomy between its poor critical reception and its popularity on Netflix suggests that the audience may be driven by curiosity—whether it’s really as bad as everyone says.All of the positive commentary is ironic, praising the film’s incoherent plot and listless performances as hugely entertaining.

A New Trend in the Streaming Landscape?

This phenomenon is not unique to Madame Web. Similar underperforming films like Morbius saw a revival thanks to internet memes. Forbes reports that Madame Web‘s viewership on Netflix is upwards of 10 million views within its first week, reflecting a trend where niche superhero films could find better success on streaming platforms rather than traditional theaters.

Navigating Superhero Fatigue Post-COVID

The COVID-19 pandemic significantly altered moviegoing habits, pushing many towards streaming services. Post-pandemic inflation among other factors has made movie theaters less attractive compared to home-based viewing. Many audiences now prefer experiencing films via streaming due to convenience and existing subscriptions.

A Shift in Release Strategies?

The disappointing box office run yet fruitful streaming success of Madame Web might pave the way for studios to reconsider their release strategies for niche franchise films. It’s evident these movies can still tap into substantial audiences via major streaming platforms without the financial risks associated with theatrical releases.

An Ironic Yet Popular Streamer

This situation also highlights how even critically maligned movies can capture public interest online. Whether through meme culture or sheer irony, Madame Web, much like earlier memes around bad films, illustrates how digital platforms can offer a safety net—even opportunity—for box office failures.

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