The Five Best Bounty Hunters In The Star Wars Galaxy

The Five Best Bounty Hunters In The Star Wars Galaxy

This is the kind of subject that a lot of Star Wars fans would likely argue over until they were as blue in the face as Aayla Secura or Max Rebo. If you’re a Star Wars fan you should be able to get that reference and hopefully laugh. But the idea of bounty hunters in the Star Wars galaxy is something that carries a lot of opinion, and if you’re wondering why names such as Dengar, Bossk, Dirge, Zam Wessell, and many others aren’t on this list, well, it’s because they didn’t have the ability to last. Cad Bane should have made the list, but next to those that were named, Cad kind of comes up short in a few ways. Hey, opinion, remember? But those that are named aren’t entirely perfect, but they have managed to survive for a while and rack up a rather hefty body count in the process. While at least a couple of them are no longer a part of the galaxy since they’ve been killed or destroyed, they still hold a special place in the galaxy as some of the best bounty hunters around. Plus, there’s no doubt why a few of them made the list since, in recent years, the list has had to be revised a couple of times.

Here are five of the best bounty hunters in the Star Wars galaxy.

5. Aurra Sing

The woman that helped to train Boba Fett needs some recognition since she was one of those that was feared by just about everyone, including Jedi. Aurra Sing didn’t get a whole lot of time in the Star Wars canon apart from the books and graphic novels and of course the animated series. But what little time she was given was impressive since she was insanely tough and despite being killed by Tobias Beckett, she was still one of the most notorious bounty hunters in the galaxy. It would have been nice to see her last a bit longer, but it might have been that she’d outlived her usefulness after a while.

4. IG-11

A lot of people might argue that this is just because IG-11 was a part of The Mandalorian in season 1, but the manner in which the droid came charging into the fray when Din was seeking out the bounty was impressive. Plus, the droid also deserves recognition for the way it went out since not only did it help Din when he was down and in pain, but it also ended its existence in a manner that was both heroic and simply awesome. In the Star Wars galaxy, there are a lot of droids that can be called impressive thanks to what they’re programmed to do, but a bounty hunter droid is still definitely worth a mention.

3. Din Djarin

If you thought he was going to be left off the list then you might not have been watching the show the past two seasons. He might not be quite up to the same level as Boba Fett at this point but Din is for real, and his skills have shown that. The fact that he has a moral code as well as a Mandalorian code to go by makes him a complex character, but his skill set is nothing short of impressive since one could say that Ahsoka Tano would have killed him eventually, but the fact that he fended her off for at least a couple of strikes is amazing. Plus, while Moff Gideon wasn’t much of a swordsman compared to a Jedi, Din still had to stand up to the darksaber, so he definitely makes the list.

2. Boba Fett

He’s the original badass in the Star Wars galaxy, so of course, he was going to get a mention. This is the guy that people went nuts over when he first showed up on the scene and the bounty hunter that made it cool to even BE a bounty hunter in Star Wars. He’s also put the other bounty hunters to shame throughout the course of the EU material, and apart from getting swallowed by a Sarlaac, there hasn’t been a lot that Fett hasn’t been able to do. Pitting him against a Jedi isn’t bound to go well, no matter that he’s taken bounties of all sorts, but this is Fett, he’s usually able to roll with the punches.

1. Jango Fett

There’s a reason why Jango is at the top of this list, and it’s partially because he came before a lot of them, which means he taught Boba at least a little of what he came to know. But much like Boba Fett, Jango had to grow up the hard way and he had to learn how to take care of himself and earn his way in a very uncaring galaxy. His end wasn’t all that great, but he went up against a master Jedi, something any bounty hunter would find difficult to impossible.

Those are my picks, I’m sure others have their own.

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