Terry Crews Golden Buzzers Zimbabwean Comedian Learnmore Jonasi on AGT

In a moment that seemed scripted for the big screen, Terry Crews, the *America’s Got Talent* host, hit the coveted Golden Buzzer for Zimbabwean comedian Learnmore Jonasi. This act propelled Jonasi directly to the live shows.

Terry Crews Golden Buzzers Zimbabwean Comedian Learnmore Jonasi on AGT

Jonasi, known as Long John, captivated the AGT audience with his unique blend of stand-up and physical comedy. Drawing humor from his upbringing in a small village in Zimbabwe, he tackled diverse topics ranging from traffic lights to cell phone reception.

Learnmore Jonasi‘s inspirations come from everyday life. He shared:

Terry Crews Golden Buzzers Zimbabwean Comedian Learnmore Jonasi on AGT

You see I come from a small village in Zimbabwe, far away from everything. The simplest of things ignite our excitement. Like they recently installed a traffic light in my village. Everybody was so excited about this traffic light, we were all taking photos with it.

The judge’s panel, including Howie Mandel and Simon Cowell, couldn’t contain their laughter. Howie Mandel remarked:

You make AGT a better place. Thank you for the laughs, Learnmore Jonasi.

Terry Crews Golden Buzzers Zimbabwean Comedian Learnmore Jonasi on AGT

Terry Crews offered glowing praise before hitting the Golden Buzzer:

He gets a Golden Buzzer from me. You are going straight into the live shows my brother. I know that a comedian has never won America’s Got Talent and he could be the first.

Terry Crews Golden Buzzers Zimbabwean Comedian Learnmore Jonasi on AGT

Jonasi’s performance wasn’t just about humor; it was a showcase of resilience and determination. Posting on X, he confirmed:

I will be performing live at The Apollo Theater, Harlem New York City on the 13th of April; this is such a dream come true…

Terry Crews Golden Buzzers Zimbabwean Comedian Learnmore Jonasi on AGT

Terry Crews himself took to social media to appreciate Jonasi’s standout routine. Will this be the year that a stand-up comedian wins *America’s Got Talent*? Only time will tell, but one thing is clear: Learnmore Jonasi’s star is on the rise.

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