Super Mario Soda Display Could be the Best Ever

Super Mario Soda Display Could be the Best Ever

Yes I know this is a somewhat old picture but who cares?  The extent to which Super Mario brothers has invade our lives is phenomenal.  But perhaps no more apparent than in this photo. I’ve been to the grocery story before.  I think it’s safe to say we all have.   However, have you ever looked at how boring it must be to work there?  Don’t get me wrong, a living is a living and you have to pay your bills but when I look at all the employees it’s pure misery.  So when I see a Super Mario brothers display like this, I can sympathize with the utter boredom it must have taken to create this.

I suppose there’s a silver lining to everything right?  It’s a proud day when you can make a display case that looks like the one and only Mario.  It’ ann even prouder day when said picture makes it to the homepage of none other than TVovermind.

If only there was a video of some bratty 5-year-old running into this thing and toppling it over.

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