Sons of the Forest Is the Survival Video Game You Need to Play Next

Sons of the Forest has only been on the market for a few months, but it is already making itself heard. Endnight Games is the independent game development studio founded by Ben Falcone and released The Forest as their debut title. Their breakthrough flaunted that one doesn’t need the same level of glory as major game developers to create a cult classic game. The game made an impression for its funky blend of survival, horror, and open-world exploration, as well as its atmospheric and tense gameplay experience.

As word-of-mouth plaudits steadily build for the debut title, the studio has been putting in the hours for almost a decade on the sequel, Sons of the Forest. Endnight Games hasn’t released any other major titles and is zeroing in its efforts on the sequel to ensure the highest quality. Find out why Sons of the Forest is the game you can’t afford to miss in the survival genre.

The Storyline of Sons of the Forest Will Deeply Absorb You Because of How Twisted It Is

Sons of the Forest screenshot

They weren’t exaggerating when they dubbed it a survival horror game. The plot traces the protagonist’s dispatch to search for a missing family on a temperate island reminiscent of the American Pacific Northwest. The helicopter turns out to have crashed, and from there on out, the relentless fight to make it out in one piece starts. The island isn’t any haven but is filled with feral cannibals and mutated creatures. The narrative reveals itself through various means such as cutscenes, notes, and environmental storytelling.

You have to brace yourself for relentless attacks from cannibals and hair-raising creatures lurking in the dark caves. While you’re wandering the island, you will spot some deserted campsites, bloodied golf carts, and secret bunkers. They are clues to the island’s dark past and the fate of its inhabitants, which is the foremost task you must undertake to uncover what’s behind it. Therefore, pay heed to them when they cross your path. There’s a wealth of unexpected content left to explore in the game, so this isn’t spoiling the whole experience.

Sons of the Forest Portrayed the Raw Depths of Human Psychology in a Somewhat Visceral Way

Sons of the Forest screenshot

The Sons of the Forest elevates the survival genre to a whole new level, delivering such realistic execution that it’s almost as if you’re living it rather than just playing it. The landscapes such as lush forests, rugged mountains, and dark, foreboding caves are all richly detailed. Character models, animations, and expressions are all well-designed and detailed, even more lifelike than you could ever expect from a game.

You can never go wrong with Sons of the Forest if you’re after continuous tension and suspense, as the mutated creatures have grotesque features but move with fluidity. Some also observe how the main type of enemy, which is cannibals, somewhat displays such realistic behavior. They not only attack but also taunt, react to weapons, and exhibit lifelike behaviors such as panicking or encircling the player when sensing danger.

You may even encounter cannibal camps littered with human remains, witnessing acts of violence and aggression. The game does not shy away from depicting the brutality and horror of cannibalistic behavior. Although the concept of the game may unsettle some and not resonate with everyone, it truly did justice to the game’s themes of survival, danger, and the darker aspects of human nature.

The Survival Mechanics in Sons of the Forest Will Put Your Survival Skills to the Test

Sons of the Forest screenshot

An absorbing storyline is enough to draw players in, but if the mechanics are subpar, they can detract from the overall experience. However, Sons of the Forest doesn’t have to give it a second thought. The game really stood out in the survival genre, partly because it really puts you through the wringer to survive. Players must manage their hunger, thirst, and stamina while traversing the island. They must hunt wildlife, gather edible plants, and even purify water, just as one would do to survive, even in real life.

Crafting is also indispensable for creating a variety of items, including weapons, tools, shelters, and traps, using the resources that you have found on the island. You’ll be able to capitalize on your crafted weapons to defend yourself later on in the game. Combat involves both melee and ranged attacks, as well as dodging and blocking to avoid damage. Apart from the terrifying creatures and cannibals that live there, the island environment itself poses a danger just by setting foot on it.

Whether it’s contending with weather effects, wildlife, or traps, you must adapt to changing conditions, evade dangers, and make the most of environmental features to your advantage. Fire not only provides warmth after dark but also cooks food and wards off enemies. You can ignite fires using flammable materials found in the environment, but you must manage fire safety to avoid spreading wildfires or attracting unwanted attention.

The island itself isn’t a haven, but you can construct bases on it and make it one. Bases serve as a core area where you can rest, store resources, and even plot your next moves. They can be built from either wood, stone, or metal materials, but they may differ in levels of durability and protection. If you happen to be new to the first-person shooter genre, read here to find out if Destiny 2 is good for beginners to play.

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