Sofia Mattsson Honors Late General Hospital Co-Star Johnny Wactor at Daytime Emmy Awards

As the stars of General Hospital gathered for the 51st annual Daytime Emmy Awards, emotions were running high. The red carpet was abuzz, not just with excitement but also a sense of somber remembrance for their late costar, Johnny Wactor.

Sofia Mattsson Honors Late General Hospital Co-Star Johnny Wactor at Daytime Emmy Awards

Tragic Moment Remembered

This past May, Johnny Wactor was tragically shot and killed during an attempted robbery in downtown Los Angeles. He was only 37. In a heart-wrenching encounter, he confronted three men who were trying to steal his catalytic converter.TMZ broke the story … Johnny was shot and killed by a group of thieves who were trying to steal his catalytic converter … a type of theft that many Angelinos are very familiar with.

Sofia Mattsson Honors Late General Hospital Co-Star Johnny Wactor at Daytime Emmy Awards

Acting Community’s Response

In the wake of this tragedy, Johnny’s costars and friends have banded together to honor his memory. Anita Joy, another close friend, held signs demanding justice during a march held last Wednesday. According to her Instagram posts, she shared photos and videos to connect with fans and raise awareness.

Sofia Mattsson Honors Late General Hospital Co-Star Johnny Wactor at Daytime Emmy Awards

A March for Justice

The rally, spearheaded by Micah Parker, drew significant attention. As one of Johnny’s best pals, Micah took to the streets to demand action from city officials.Micah Parker — a fellow actor and one of Johnny’s best pals — spearheaded Wednesday’s march, and we talked to him in the street … with him telling us Johnny’s murder should be a wake-up call for the city, hoping those in power acknowledge there is a problem with crime.

Sofia Mattsson Honors Late General Hospital Co-Star Johnny Wactor at Daytime Emmy Awards

Sofia Mattsson Reflects

Sofia Mattsson attended the awards in tribute to Johnny, capturing moments that showed her deep connection to her late colleague.

Micah Parker, a close friend of Johnny Wactor and a fellow actor, organized a march through downtown LA to keep the late actor’s memory alive. According to Micah, Johnny’s murder should serve as a wake-up call for the city regarding the prevailing problem with crime.

The Community Rallies Together

The turnout for Wednesday’s rally served as a powerful indicator that people are tired of being unheard. General Hospital costar Parry Shen also participated, expressing his thoughts on social media. Johnnys’ memory, he emphasized, deserved recognition: Johnny surrounded himself with good people. & I wanted to be among them,” Shen tweeted. “Life moves on. And he would’ve want us to celebrate our lives.

Sofia Mattsson Honors Late General Hospital Co-Star Johnny Wactor at Daytime Emmy Awards

A Brother’s Grief

At a press conference ahead of the march, Johnny’s brother Grant spoke: Back home, we’re all hurting…we’re doing everything we can to try to stay busy to try to keep this in the forefront. His words echoed the collective pain felt by family and friends.

Sofia Mattsson Honors Late General Hospital Co-Star Johnny Wactor at Daytime Emmy Awards

An Unforgettable Legacy

The Daytime Emmys provided a necessary platform for Sofia Mattsson and her peers to remember Johnny’s life both on-screen and off. Beyond his role as Brando Corbin in General Hospital from 2020 to 2022, Johnny made an impact on shows like NCIS and Westworld. His legacy is sure to live on through his work and the lasting memories held by those he touched.

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