Sia Ends Almost Ten-Year Streak of Giving Survivor Cash Bonuses to Favorites

It’s a bittersweet moment for Survivor fans as pop star Sia has decided to end her tradition of rewarding her favorite contestants with cash prizes. This announcement comes just two days after the conclusion of Survivor’s 46th season. Host Jeff Probst took to Instagram, expressing his gratitude and admiration for the unique relationship that developed over nearly a decade.

Sia Ends Almost Ten-Year Streak of Giving Survivor Cash Bonuses to Favorites

Sia and Survivor a Unique Story Begins

Sia first made headlines with her generosity during the live finale of Survivor: Kaoh Rong back in 2016. She was so moved by Tai Trang’s commitment to protecting a chicken from being eaten that she spontaneously awarded him $50,000, plus another $50,000 to an animal charity of his choice. Probst recalls, I still vividly remember the day Sia stood up in the audience … and made her way onstage. Tai was shocked, the audience was shocked, I was shocked!. This marked the beginning of what became known as the Sia Prize.

A Tradition of Generosity

Since that day, Sia has given away over $1,000,000 to 19 players across 14 seasons. The prize amounts have varied each season, with some recipients receiving up to $100,000. Some notable beneficiaries include Rick Devens, Elaine Stott, Janet Carbin, Drea Wheeler, Jesse Lopez, Carolyn Wiger, and Katurah Topps.

The Final Recipients

The last season saw Sia gifting three players—Topps, Kaleb Gebrewold ($15,000), and Jake O’Kane ($15,000). As described by Probst in his Instagram post,it’s the end of one of the most unique eras in the history of Survivor.

Impact Beyond Entertainment

Sia’s contributions were not merely symbolic; they had real-world impact.The entertainment industry is in crisis and the SAG-AFTRA Foundation is currently processing more than 30 times our usual number of applications for emergency aid, noted Courtney B. Vance, president of SAG-AFTRA Foundation.

The foundation has raised over $15 million from top-earning stars to help performers cope with financial hardship.We received 400 applications in the last week alone, emphasized Vance.

An Emotional Farewell But Ongoing Love

Despite the end of this unique tradition, Sia remains a fervent fan of Survivor and its values.It’s love, no gimmick. Just cash., as Probst mentioned, captures her genuine admiration for contestants displaying noble acts. Thus concludes an era where a pop cultural icon met reality TV in a heartwarming union.I met Sia through Survivor and we’re now friends, shared Probst.

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