Seven of the Most Rewatchable TV Sitcoms of All Time

Married with Children Cast

It’s too hard to tell whether the newest crop of television shows that we all watch will are “rewatchable.” I mean I guess I could watch Always Sunny in Philadelphia and not really get tired of it. I’ve seen Big Bang Theory episodes a zillion times.  I’ll even watch Modern Family on USA.  But when I refer to rewatchable I’m talking about shows where you can see every single episode at least 5 times.  So that remains to be seen.

When I think of rewatchable, I think of when I see one of my favorite shows in syndication and whenever it’s on I inevitably leave it on.  To me that’s pretty powerful and not many shows have that quality. Here are what I consider to be the most rewatchable sitcoms of all time….


It’s really hard to get tired of good old Sam Malone and his crew down at Cheers.  It was great with Coach and Diane and I personally think even better with Woody and Rebecca.   The show never, ever lost a step.  Making Frasier more prevalent was great too.   Sure the last season wasn’t the best but I can honestly say I’d watch the reruns over most of television today.  Sam Malone and Woody will go down as one of the best combos of all-time.

The Cosby Show

Look, I know what’s going on with Bill Cosby.  That has absolutely nothing to do with this list.   We’re strictly talking quality of the shows.  With the exception of the final season and just about everything with Olivia and Rudy being older, I absolutely loved The Cosby Show.  It was so original and so funny.  It’s tough to get tired of Heathcliff Huxtable (even now).  The show brought great culture, parental lessons, and a whole lot of comedy.


I’m pretty sure I’ve seen every episode of this show at least 10 times and I can honestly say that I’d watch them all another ten times.  It’s like you pick up on something new every single time an old episode appears.  It’s truly miraculous.  I could go on and on about Seinfeld because frankly it’s my favorite sitcom ever.  But I’d rather not be too biased here.  OK fine, this show is incredible and I love every single character, especially the Jiffy Park guy.

The Wonder Years

OK, when Kevin gets older the show wasn’t really that great.   But the first 3-4 seasons were absolutely stellar and I would rival those with just about any show in history.  It so brought all of us back to what it was like to be in school and like girls and have problems and be in class and all that fun stuff.  Yes I know that was a run on sentence but who cares?  There’s just so much to like about this show.  And Daniel Stern narrating ruled!

Who’s The Boss

Yeah I said it.  Come on kids.  You don’t agree with me?  With the exception of Jonathan and Mona that show absolutely rules.  If anything it was great to see how attractive Alyssa Milano kept getting every year.  But other than that Tony Danza played one of the most memorable characters in sitcom history.

Family Ties

“What would you do baby with our love?”  I think everyone would agree that with the exception of Tina Yothers, that show absolutely rocked.   Mallory and Michael Keaton far and away stole the show but mom and dad were solid too.  And of course there’s Courteney Cox who got her start on that show after getting fame from a Bruce Springsteen video.  And sure if it weren’t for Michael J Fox we might not have had much but that’s irrelevant.

Married…With Children

Anything before the arrival of Seven and the new dog qualifies as true Married With Children and every single one of those episodes brought something to the table.  Al and Peggy Bundy were far away one of the best sitcom couples of all-time and in terms of sitcoms, we haven’t seen a brother and sister to match Bud and Kelly yet.  That show absolutely took it to the limits and just never stopped.  I’m not sure a show today could get away with some of the stuff they did.

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