Robert Pattinson Producing and Possibly Starring in Parker Finn’s Remake of Cult Horror Film Possession

Parker Finn is venturing into uncharted territory by teaming up with Robert Pattinson for a remake of Possession, the 1981 psychological supernatural horror cult classic directed by Andrzej Żuławski. The project has already ignited a bidding war between major studios, including A24, Netflix, Paramount, Sony, and Warner Bros.

Robert Pattinson Producing and Possibly Starring in Parker Finn’s Remake of Cult Horror Film Possession

Remaking a Cult Classic

Set in West Berlin, Żuławski’s original film follows a spy played by Sam Neill, who returns home to find his wife (Isabella Adjani) demanding a divorce. What unfolds is a descent into madness involving infidelity, murder, and a grotesque tentacled creature. The film was initially an international co-production between France and Germany and gained its cult status for its bold narrative and intense performances.

Robert Pattinson Producing and Possibly Starring in Parker Finn’s Remake of Cult Horror Film Possession

Pattinson’s Role Yet to Be Defined

Robert Pattinson is confirmed as a producer through his company Icki Eneo Arlo. While his acting involvement will be clarified down the road as scripts and schedules develop, it’s clear that this project has piqued significant interest. Roy Lee of Vertigo Entertainment, known for producing the breakout hit Barbarian, is also attached as a producer.

Bidding War in Hollywood

The interest from top-tier studios like A24 and Warner Bros. underscores the film’s potential. As reported, the reception to pitches has been immensely positive, with executives impressed by the “batshit” story while recognizing its commercial viability. Market discussions are ongoing about how best to present this distinct mix of psychological drama and supernatural elements.

Parker Finn’s Expansive Vision

Parker Finn, who made waves with his directorial debut in Smile, aims to bring a more expansive yet intimate approach to this remake. His first look deal with Paramount saw him immediately jump into production for Smile 2, but he looks beyond franchise expectations with Possession. The original film’s layered narrative and emotional intensities have positioned it as an exemplar within ‘elevated horror,’ likely paving the way for an enriched retelling.

A Remake Rooted in Psychological Horror

The 1981’s Possession transitioned atrocity into art under Żuławski’s direction using horror tropes to deeply explore human psyche themes. This alignment with today’s “elevated horror” trend seen in films under A24 like The Lighthouse reaffirms its relevance.

Pattinson has accrued critical acclaim for his recent works and remains keen on tackling more complex narratives. His upcoming projects include Bong Joon-ho’s ambitious sci-fi venture, Mickey 17.

Pattinson isn’t currently attached to star in the movie; his acting involvement will be clarified down the road as the script and schedules develop.

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