10 Things You Didn’t Know about Riann Steele

10 Things You Didn’t Know about Riann Steele

To some people it may seem like Riann Steele has popped up out out nowhere, but in reality she’s been acting on screen for a little more than a decade. After landing a series of minor and recurring roles in various TV shows, larger opportunities began coming her way. Lots of people will recognize her from her role in TV shows like Crazy Head and The Magicians. She knows how to leave an impact no matter what kind of show or movie she’s working on and that’s a quality that not every actor has. Even though she’s already done a lot of cool things in her career, the best is yet to come for Riann. Keep reading for 10 things you didn’t know about Riann Steele.

1. She’s From England

Riann is already on the road to establishing herself in the American entertainment industry but she is originally from the United Kingdom. She comes from a diverse background and has one white parent and one black parent. Although England will always have a special place in her heart, she’s focused on seeing what the United States has to offer.

2. She’s A Formally Trained Actor

Riann has always been serious about her acting journey and she has worked hard to get where she is today. She initially auditioned at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts (RADA) but ended up being accepted into Arts Ed first. Although Arts Ed wasn’t her top choice, everything ended up working out well for her.

3. She Originally Wanted To Be A Doctor Or Lawyer

When Riann was younger, becoming an actor wasn’t even on her radar. She told The British Blacklist, “As a kid I was running around as you do, and then you grow up and think, ‘oh what do I want to do with my life?’ I thought I could be a lawyer, or a doctor, I could see myself in the coat, I could see myself in a court room…”

4. She Has Theater Experience

After completing theater school, Riann took the next logical step and entered into the theater world. She began performing with the Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC) where she was a part of several well-known productions including Hamlet, Love’s Labours Lost, and a Midsummer Night’s Dream.

5. She Likes To Read

Riann spends a lot of time at work, but she also likes to spend time at home relaxing. What better way to relax than curling up with a good book. Even though Riann probably doesn’t get as much time to read as she’d like, she cherishes every moment she can find to get lost in a story.

6. She Enjoys The Outdoors

Reading isn’t the only way Riann likes to spend her time off. She has a deep appreciation for nature and when the weather is nice she enjoys spending time outside. From hanging by the water to exploring and exercising, being outside is the perfect way for Rian to clear her head.

7. She Loves A Good Challenge

There are some actors who spend their entire careers in their comfort zone, but Riann has no interest in doing that. Rian welcomes the different challenges that will come her way throughout her career. She looks forward to taking on roles that require her to try something new.

8. She’s Not A Horror Fan

For her role in the TV series Crazyhead, Natalie got the chance to experience working in the horror genre. As a fan, however, she prefers to stay away from the scary stuff. During her interview with The British Black list she said, ” I’m also a big scaredy cat. I can’t watch horror without having my hands over my face, or turning the music down. I believe in ghosts; I’m scared of the dark… This was fun, but the research part of it, I couldn’t sleep for three days.”

9. She’s Struggled To Feel Accepted In The Entertainment Industry

Hollywood can be a very cruel place, especially for people who don’t fit into a certain mold. This is something Riann has had to deal with. As a mixed race person, Riann feels as though she’s struggled to find acceptance, and she looks forward to playing roles that help her avoid being stereotyped.

10. She Likes To Focus On Positivity

Riann has been through a lot of ups and downs in her career, and she’s had to work very hard to get where she is today. She is grateful for every opportunity she’s had and she tries to see the bright side whenever possible. This positive mindset is also something she tries to spread to those around her.

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