Here I am showing promos, trailers, and even talking about how I think people just might die in real life from watch It, but there’s one group of people I haven’t given much thought to. As it turns out a huge population of real-life clowns are pretty annoyed at this movie coming out. Why? Because it’s taking away their business. No, really. This is the truth. According to Uproxx
Clowns of America International were pissed at American Horror Story, and all of Hollywood, for “sensationalizing the norm” by taking “any situation no matter how good or pure and turn it into a nightmare.” They’re probably not too happy about It, either. Nick Kane, who clowns as “Mr. Nick,” sure isn’t.
The 33-year-old Los Angeles resident – who “noticed a considerable drop in traffic to his Yelp page in the days immediately following the trailer’s release” – told Mel Magazine that Hollywood’s anti-clown agenda is “ruining our business.” He continued, “We just experienced a nice break from the scary clown meme from last October. And just when things are starting to normalize, the It trailer comes and it’s like, here we go again.”
And Nick’s definitely not the only one. Another professional clown was quoted as saying, “It’s a dying profession. And the people who do it and scrape together a living have to grapple with the fact that it’s cool and hip not to like clowns. The ultimate prick in [It] is that it’s going to turn young consumers away from an art form that’s sweet and nice and not about the Kardashians and Minecraft.”
Look, I totally get it. I truly do. But is there a way we can make clowns less scary looking? I mean how about just being a clown and displaying your skills without actually wearing a clown costume? Would that solve the issue? Because frankly clowns are scary looking, no matter how “nice” you try to make them appear. It just accentuates it. I totally get where real clowns are coming from but come on man. You gotta do something about those big red noses.
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