Unveiling Peter Hunziker: 10 Facts About the Fired Below Deck Mediterranean Star

Unveiling Peter Hunziker: 10 Facts About the Fired Below Deck Mediterranean Star

Peter Hunziker made a brief appearance on Below Deck Mediterranean as a crew member aboard The Wellington. Initially, Pete seemed like a promising addition to the show, but his time was cut short when he was fired for posting a racially insensitive meme on Instagram. The incident and subsequent firing happened so quickly that it’s hard to pinpoint the exact content of the post. Regardless, his time with the network is over, and many fans appear to support the decision to let him go. Peter has yet to comment on the incident, but it’s likely he’ll be keeping a low profile for the time being. Here are 10 things you may not know about Peter Hunziker.

1. The Youngest Sibling with a Point to Prove

Often, the youngest sibling is labeled as immature and irresponsible. However, many youngest children work hard to disprove these stereotypes, and Pete Hunziker is no exception. As the youngest of three, Pete is no stranger to standing up for himself and putting in the effort.

2. A Life-Changing Coma

Although Pete is healthy and strong now, he faced a significant health challenge at 19 when he fell into a coma for six months. The cause of Pete’s coma remains unknown, but once he regained his health, he approached life with a renewed sense of purpose.

3. Teenage Fatherhood

Discovering you’re about to become a parent can be incredibly stressful, especially when you’re not prepared or in a relationship with the child’s other parent. This was the situation Pete found himself in at 19. Despite initial overwhelm, having a son has given him even more motivation to always do his best.

4. From Dominos to Yachts

Many of us had unglamorous first jobs as teenagers, and Pete Hunziker is no different. One of his first jobs was working at a local Domino’s Pizza restaurant during his sophomore year of high school.

5. Embracing the Party Life

With an outgoing personality, Pete loves being the life of the party, earning him the nickname “Party Pete.” Living in Miami, one of the best places to party, Pete can often be found dancing or hanging out by the pool when he’s not working.

6. Coast Guard Commitment

Yacht charters aren’t Pete Hunziker’s only experience at sea. He’s also a member of the United States Coast Guard, although it’s unclear when he joined. The Coast Guard enforces laws on the water and performs search and rescue missions.

7. A Late Start in Boating

Unlike some of his Below Deck Med colleagues, Pete Hunziker didn’t dream of working on boats from an early age. He only began learning about boats in high school when he met a retired Navy Seal who taught him everything he knows.

8. Accusations of Sexism

Pete’s offensive post wasn’t his first controversial statement. During an episode, he made a comment about a female franchise owner that left some crew members confused. He said, “Seeing a woman in a successful position like that just inspired to like want to kill the game because if she can do it, I mean – you know what I mean?”

9. Re-Editing the Show to Minimize His Presence

Peter’s mid-season firing complicates matters since all episodes have already been filmed. However, the network announced they would re-edit the episodes to reduce his screen time.

10. Social Media Disappearance

Following Pete’s firing, it seems he has removed himself from social media. This move isn’t surprising, as he would likely face numerous messages and comments from unhappy people if he remained online. Once the situation calms down, he may decide to return.

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