Why I’m Breaking Up with Modern Family
After a long trek to my local Wal Mart ended up in a busted AC adapter and some assorted odds and ends that were a touch expensive, you’d think the fir
After a long trek to my local Wal Mart ended up in a busted AC adapter and some assorted odds and ends that were a touch expensive, you’d think the fir
Last night’s Pretty Little Liars gave us some answers to some long standing questions and we are thankful for that. Albeit, we all know that questions a
Going into it, I was really afraid that the second series of Wish Me Luck would be much like that of Enemy at the Door: incomprehensible unless you’d se
Man in a Suitcase‘s “Mac” McGill is the off-brand James Bond. Where Bond has a smooth swagger, McGill has an awkward stride that resembles
Again, my apologies. I don’t get around to watching FNL as quickly as I should these days. This is obvious and I also tweeted it when I was watching the
I was familiar with the Black Panther before watching this show (though only vaguely — he’d popped up in a few issues of Fantastic Four), but I di
After watching last night’s Desperate Housewives, we think it’s time for the show to revisit executing the element of surprise. Last night marked
I have never been one for watching the series’ that ran on Showtime. I’ve seen 2 episodes of Dexter and bits of Californication, but I never reall
The Real Housewives of Atlanta returned from it’s short winter hiatus and set the stage for the drama that might permeate throughout the rest of the sea