The Originals Season 3 Episode 9 Review: “Savior”
I wish I could say this was a happy holiday-themed hour of The Originals, but it was far from it. More scheming and too much bloodshed made for a rather hea
I wish I could say this was a happy holiday-themed hour of The Originals, but it was far from it. More scheming and too much bloodshed made for a rather hea
After a multi-week hiatus, The Big Bang Theory has finally returned to new episodes for the next couple of weeks. I quite missed the show, and I’m disa
To wrap up their first half of Season 4, last night’s Arrow was one of the more powerful episodes of the season as Damien Darhk retaliated against Ol
One might think a Black-ish episode focused on the Johnson family’s consumerist bent might lead to painful results, and for two-thirds of an episode, it
Once again Christmas on The Middle was quite a treat. There’s no better time than the “heckadays” for a mother’s emotional breakdown! At fir
South Park has delivered one of its most unique seasons in a while that stepped outside of the show’s normal story-of-the-week style and into a serializ
The midseason finale of Nashville does a good job of wrapping up several storylines, though not all of them end up happily. With most shows ending in cliffhan
While Jimmy and Gretchen’s relationship seemed fairly secure by the end of last week’s episode, every other romantic pairing on You’re the
“I know you won’t. I know you won’t say yes to Michael either. And I know you won’t kill Sam. Whatever you do, you will always end up